Love Thy Neighbor, Except?…

It has taken me a few hours to diminish the anger that surfaced when I first saw these two pictures below.

As readers will note I have taken exception to the lack of strong leadership from the church during this COVID crisis.  During a time when fellowship is most needed, most urgently needed, many churches are collapsing under their own fear.  This is not a good outcome.

Suffice to say, there is absolutely nothing sensible about the position of this church as pictured; NOTHING.

First, for vaccinated people there is absolutely nothing to fear from the decision of another person not to vaccinate themselves.  A non-vaccinated person does not represent a greater risk to a person who is vaccinated against the COVID virus.  It is abject nonsense to make any other argument.

Second, this purposeful division is akin to saying ‘good people on the right, pesky non-good people on the left’.  Setting up “classes of distinction” based on voluntary compliance with a non-FDA-approved test vaccine is ridiculous in the extreme.  For a faith-based organization to be doing this is beyond the pale.

There is absolutely nothing christian about dividing people based on their vaccination status.  Jesus did not say “love thy neighbor” and proceed to inject a qualifying “unless” in the statement.


h/t Matt Bracken

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3 years ago

Second, this purposeful division is akin to saying ‘good people on the right, pesky non-good people on the left’

More like “Steig in den Triebwagenjuden”

If they where real followers of Christ they would know your time on this earth is already numbered. Your cause of death is already written by God and you will not cheat Him out of that.

Last edited 3 years ago by tangle
3 years ago

God said this would happen much like the mark of the beast — I’ll bet this is a top down decision — and these people are really being dominated by Satan -- It will end badly for them unfortunately it will effect everyone- If this is the Catholic Church -- even the some of the reverends are speaking out

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  woody8834

Few pastors speaking out, they are greedy, man pleasers and want to keep their 501c3 perks. Lv these churches now, they’re apostate, false doctrines, etc. home church or w/friends. Smnall indep churches may be ok best to try them, find out of they have a 501c3 to muzzle pastors.

3 years ago

Don’t worry, folks. The “church” was NEVER about the building, it was ALWAYS about the PEOPLE. Just ask JC…

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago

Funny everyone blaming the church and not the “Church”. Maybe they should hang more mirrors inside.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

Here. Hag Matzah day 1.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

Ouch I dont have the bandwidth to send the pix. Our synagogue was full yesterday for the event . And nobody has been vaxxed. We teach the truth about such things.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago

I refuse to wear a mask except when shopping, Dr appt., and paying bills. Will not sit in a P.C. church anyway, esp wearing a mask. Time to quit the 501c3 gov. controlled churchese, they are pushing globalism incl. the SBC, and pastors are change agents for global gov. and ag. 21. HOme church or meet w/ friends for study.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

Why mask in those places?

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago

Mandated by businesses and dr’s clinics.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

Suppose they mandate a hijab for your protection and the protection of others of course? After all that flowing hair may trap and carry viruses from place to place.

3 years ago

Government-Controlled 501c3 “churches”. Branches of the (((synagogue of satan))).
I always thought that when (((they))) actually tried to Implement the kosher “mark of the beast” that most “christians” would fight to be in the front of the Line; after all, their Buy-Bull says they HAVE TO ‘take the mark’.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Of course It’ll be Kosher, highly recommend, fashionable, andmandated by law. For your own good and the safety of your peers.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

What “church” is this? Where?