Scheller is “currently in pre-trial confinement,” a spokesperson for Training and Education Command said of the officer’s status.
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“The time, date, and location of the proceedings have not been determined. Lt. Col. Scheller will be afforded all due process,” the statement continued.
But the elder Scheller defended his son, arguing that he was only asking for “accountability” from the military’s top brass.
“He’s asking for the same accountability that is expected of him and his men,” he said.
“I’ve had Vietnam veterans contacting me applauding him for his courage because they too want to know: Was it all worth it?” he continued. “And by demanding accountability and honesty from his senior leaders, that’s all he was asking. And the way the Marine Corps has dealt with it: They have now put him in jail.”
Of course, he’s in jail. If “people” were held accountable for their actions, most of the political and military personnel would be either hung or shot for their treason against the American people.
Maybe these questions should have been asked when we invaded Afghanistan. The Taliban did offer to hand over bin Laden. Now 20 years late with untold deaths, a booming drug industry and still allowing Bacha bazi. After building 7 collapsed, do we now feel the need to ask questions.
All that served in the Military in the last 100 plus years, you have been used as puppets to create and maintain the US empire. You where not fighting for America as founded. You where fighting to increase the wealth of wealthy men and increase the power of the political class. All this bull shit of protecting America and spreading freedom throughout the world is bullshit. How does forcing you beliefs on someone make them free? This is all the line they fed all of use to get use to g along with they evil, murdering plans. It is time to wake up.
So the simple answer is, yes it is worth it to them. You are useless cogs in a wheel. That is exactly how they feel about you.
Do not give me this ISIS BS either. The US lead led by McCain formed ISIS. There are pictures all over the internet of him with the leaders.
Well said!
Not by their own faults is one thing I’d say. We all were mistaken to what was happening I’m pretty sure.
“Every generation needs a revolution” -Lt. Col Scheller
That was his MAIN point on every post it seemed.
I would proudly follow Col. Scheller anywhere, into any battle.
He, and his current predicament caused by brutal honesty, an unwavering moral code, and ethics beyond reproach, remind me of a similar event regarding Lt. Col. Allen West.
When brought before a Senate “inquisition” regarding alleged mistreatment of a Jihadi combatant, Col. West talked himself out of his commission and into forced retirement by his refusal to cow down to his accusers.
Leaders such as these intrepid Heroes are few and far between in our modern military. They possess integrity and fortitude matched only by their ‘nad’s.
Prayers that Col. Scheller regains his freedom. He obviously deserves his commission as well, but unfortunately he’ll be fortunate to get his freedom back.
The military has lost all credibility and respect.
The globalist/communist regime in Washington is going to crucify this man. And for what? He simply spoke the truth.
In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Predictable. Commies tyrants always round up and imprison any one who speaks out against them….. eventually killing them. The Military has been infiltrated, suborned and subverted by the commies. It is now FULLY on board with their agenda. They are NOT going to rescue America from the coming violence…..they will BE the violence inflicted on us.
In reality the only thing the mandatory vaccine is revealing is who thinks for themselves and who the morons are that believe everything they are told.
Unfortunately, sheeple that believe everything they are told are the ideal next-gen Americans. Monolingual quasi-literate crimigrants, anybody?
Sad, but very true.
There was a time when you could express your opinion in uniform as long as you maintained your military bearing. Now a Real Hero is being locked up. I hope they don’t Epstien him, beceause when he gets out he’s the type of leader that we need.
In the end it’s another mark checked off on the list of things to do to destroy America and it’s founding principles. Which, along with the beloved Bill of Rights and amendments listed in our Constitution, all based on English Common law and the laws of Natural Rights are the only things standing in the way of the globalist cartels one r=world rule program. Everyone looses but them. And we return to rule by unelected kings and kingdoms. But there is hope, Hungary and Poland are both governing with strict attention to what is good for the People and the country as a whole.Wish I could say the same for America, but as it is now, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting increasingly dimmer. Time to ignite the inferno.
I wonder who Patton was talking about when he said “We fought the wrong enemy”?
Not surprising. I think a lot of people in D.C, were afraid that Col.Scheller was going to be “the ambitious Colonel.” they fear.
He’s already proved that. Possibly to his detriment.
Will he survive long enough to face a trial? Or will he be suicided?
There was talk at the time of his video that he had “mental issues”. This from the MSM via anonymous sources Coincidence?
Can anyone think of a better reason for a “suicide”?
Sounds just like the reason Red Flag laws were introduced. And Pelosi loves ’em so much.
If you’re a Veteran and a Patriot, no guns for you!
The generals now — and allot since OBAMA are puppets and they traitors to the members of their service= they have only one function and what they are doing is one of them -- as a 22 yr vet -- I see it and don’t believe it and it smells rotten all the way to Washington -- write your corrupt congressional delegation and tell them to stop this BS
‘ But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.’
Cowardly sonsabitch’s !!!
I can not believe the rank and file of the US Marines are allowing this!
Superb comments -- not much more to add.