Lutheran Family Services locations in the Carolinas.
From their site:
Lutheran Services Carolinas and its affiliates are not-for-profit charitable corporations under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS tax code. At the same time, it is a misnomer to believe that because of the not-for-profit tax designation, that Lutheran Services Carolinas does not attempt and expect to generate earnings in excess of expenses, which appear as an accounting “profit.”
The information below concerning Lutheran Family Services and their actions relocating Muslim immigrants in our country is not well known. We must help our fellow man. We do not have any obligation to help a quasi-governmental agency relocate terrorists.
David DeGerolamo
Luanne Fisher is the Lutheran CEO/President with the huge salary (below). Here she is as part of Lutheran Liberty. I think real Lutherans should be looking into this tangled web of groups using the name of your faith while milking taxpayers.
This is an update of the post we wrote here the other day. Lutheran Children and Family Service of Eastern Pennsylvania held a public meeting to bring together churches in the Allentown area to prep them for the arrival of Syrian refugees.
The Morning Call reported on what happened next, here.
A Lutheran group that settles refugees in the Lehigh Valley got more than it bargained for at a meeting Wednesday when members of the Lehigh Valley Tea Party and other groups questioned whether some of those refugees might be terrorists.
Lutheran Children and Family Service of Eastern Pennsylvania is rolling in YOUR bucks!
They are from Philadelphia where refugee overload means diversity is not such a beautiful thing and thus they need to be spreading their refugees out to surrounding towns and cities—Allentown is about 50 miles from Philadelphia. More here.
Some parts of their website are password protected (what are they hiding there?).
If you think this ‘church’ group is passing the plate on Sunday mornings to pay for all of this, forget it. By the way, they are a subcontractor of major federal contractor Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, here.
We had a look at the most recent Form 990 available for Ms. Panning’s organization and here is some of what we learned (p.9):
Gross receipts that year were: $14,273,796
Government grants: $13,506,480 (federal and state taxpayer dollars!)
So that comes to 95% funded by taxpayers! This is not a private non-profit group, this is essentially a quasi-government agency!
It gets worse!
she and her fellow co-workers are all cohorts with the aids infected sodomite in the white house to destroy there country, all for greed and money. these people are all apart of satans realm. She really hates the nation she grew up in , if she didn’t then why would this moron from the Lutheran services be doing this. she will have her day with the islamics when they cut her fat head off from her fat ugly body when they are finished with her. she is a treasonous pig and is worthy of death at the hands of the pigs murderers she is aiding.