BREAKING: 🚨 Possible insurrection being staged by Rep. Maxine Waters and several other Dem Congress members at the Dept. of Education.
— E X X âž A L E R T S (@ExxAlerts) February 7, 2025
As of this moment they are not being let into the building.
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stating to look like an insurrection
Every time I see Waters I have a flashback to my childhood days of playing the Old Maid card game. Now understand I’m not being racist, but it was an old wrinkle up Old white women on the card. Dang she even looks better than Waters and I used to think she was hideous looking when we played. Oh what memories!
That woman has done more to make me believe there is a race of lizard-people aliens living underneath the crust of the earth than anything. The costume designers for the “Men in Black” movie series got nothing on this girl.
I love the comment at the 1:04 mark, “There are no thieves and thugs out here. We are members of Congress.”
That is all I see, thieves and thugs arrest them.
Swamp slush funds….drain them all
Dumb ass bell curve no brain negroes being led by dumb ass Marxist white liberal democrats. This can’t get any better, these idiots are going to the defense of fraud, criminal activity and money laundering and looting the taxpayers of our nation, violating every law they think of. If this is the hill they want to die on, so be it.
Is there any serious challenger to Maxine Waters as “The Dumbest and Ugliest” US Congressman/Congresswoman?
Unfortunately, no. In her district, her constituents would re-elect her no matter what. Remember Adam Clayton Powell and Marion Berry. Negroes just gots ta’ negro.
Listen to these turds. The turds that allowed the fib to investigate parents that spoke up at school board meetings.
I’m gonna stand here and hold my breathe until you let me in that building!
They are good at grandstanding for the camera’s though, ain’t they? if I was mal-educated and slow of wit, drugged up and beholden to federal subsidies, I’d almost believe what they’re saying.
Is it all a scripted game of chicken for the “bread and circus” crowd; or will #47’s administration put teeth into the EO’s of the past two weeks?
Try to go into their offices, in the “people’s house” , without their blessings , you will be jailed in the gulag.
The Democrats are going to have a huge problem trying to “take it to the streets.” Trump, Musk and the DOGE have taken their primary funding source away from them, by taking down the USAID. Gone are the days of funding Antifa and BLM and various other leftist riots with government money through their network of NGOs. And worse yet, I’m sure that Pam Bondi is, going to be a very busy lady, with thousands of lawsuits in the works, very soon.
The day is coming when you call someone a “Democrat,” it will be the worse curse word you could possibly throw at them.
Yes, tall here funding is gone for the buses they use to bus all the miscreants to where they want them, the signage, the anti-American tea shirts and every other garbage they protest with.
Maxine, you go girl. To quote napoleon: never intervene with an enemy that is in the process of destroying itself.
When one finds themself in a hole, one normally quits digging. The democrats rented a fleet of backhoes.
Yup, and they will keep digging until they are all in handcuffs and sent to Gitmo or one of the fema camps they specifically made for us conservatives. They are like Haman in the book Esther, where Haman built the gallows to hang Mordecai the Jew on only to find out in the end he would be hanged on his own gallows. The camps were built for us by the democratic run Fema, Homeland Security, etc. to use this year 2025 for all of us to be rounded up and sent to the slaughterhouse and murdered because we are conservative and God fearing, But God has a different plan for them. Many of these miscreants will be sent to a fema camp themselves for their wicked plans they devised for us and Gitmo only has 3000 beds.
Take it to the streets? Who’s the insurrectionist now?