From YouTube:
MAINSTREAM traces Hollywood’s origins from the early art-driven movie moguls to the profit-driven corporations of today. With the government-decreed divestiture of movie theaters in 1948, the Golden age of Hollywood was destroyed.

Along with this destruction of the “studio system,” movies became increasingly formulaic, exploitative, violent and produced by a small “control group” of insiders.

Then, with the advent of TV and various influences from Europe, Hollywood movies descended into a morass of political correctness that gave birth to what we now know as the MAINSTREAM MEDIA.

Now governed by just 6 huge conglomerates, Hollywood movies and the New York-based media (collectively the MAINSTREAM MEDIA) have become involved with hundreds of predatory, unethical and often times illegal business practices that result in discrimination against talents, crews, executives and whole populations.

Worse, the movies and network news have become a tool of the Globalist Agenda, an agenda to outsource the U.S. manufacturing base in the name of “free trade” and destroy the American Middle Class in the name of “stockholder value.”

Hollywood has become one of the “big bad” corporations it endlessly dramatizes in its movies. And all this started as a consequence of government intervention into the right of the movie moguls to market their own movies in their own theaters.


Stewart Rhodes will join Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., G. Edward Griffin, James Jaeger, Meredith Vieira, and other media/movie experts in this most recent of James Jaeger’s documentary films. The movie will document the indescribable power of the Globalist agenda to create, embed, and fortify the desired perceptions held in the minds of the American people. It is “in-your-face” MindWar, and James wants to describe how it is being perpetrated upon an unwitting American public.

In this film James Jaeger will share segments of his original interview with Lee Garmes, a priceless heirloom from James’ past work in Hollywood. (Read about that in James’ biography, linked below.)

More good news is that James has decided to go with a new Voice-over expert, and his is the voice you heard narrating in the above trailer. I am delighted with James’ new choice for Voice-over artist.

Oath Keepers has in the past supported James Jaeger’s documentary film projects by publicizing the progress reports and encouraging our members to support the films as they are being made. We will again help James raise production money to get this important film done. When readers here contribute to James’ films their names will be placed in the movie’s end-credits (unless a donor wishes to remain anonymous). Our members who do support the making of this film will be pleased to note that all of James’ Constitutional documentaries are online for free viewing.

James and his Matrix Entertainment do need to raise money to do this important work, so please be generous in your support by going to —

And yes, I will be an associate producer on this film also, so I am asking our members to contribute along with me to make this film happen.  And here is why —


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