Eyewitnesses of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation held four simultaneous news conferences in four states today to reject the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (US F&WS) claims that there were $6 million in damages left behind at the refuge.
Las Vegas, NV eyewitnesses include Nevada State Assembly members John Moore and Shelly Shelton, and Stand By Me for Liberty Rally organizer Karen Steelmon.
Bend, OR eyewitnesses include former Harney County Fire Chief Chris Briels and Committee of Safety members Dwayne Schrock, Linsay Tyler and William Wilson.
Salt Lake City, UT eyewitnesses include founder of the oldest women’s gun rights organization Janalee Tobias and Thara Finicum Tenney, LaVoy Finicum’s oldest daughter.
I expect lying is a simple matter when compared to the murder they conspired to commit.