Man Explains Target’s Transgender Policy to Daughter, Her Response is Priceless

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This is not a fight for equality, inclusiveness or even political correctness. It is a fight against morality and plain old common sense. Any “leader” who supports jeopardizing our children should be tarred and feathered. And I don’t mean figuratively.

David DeGerolamo

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Tom Angle
8 years ago

Maybe it is time for moral people to stop shopping at these places. I have once to hear a church say lets boycott this place or that. Why? Is it a sin to support sin? That is what our money does when we shop at these places.

Archbishop Gregori
8 years ago

If enough sane and normal American’s got together and boycotted and picketed Target and any other business that go out of their way to make perverts feel welcome while disrespecting the rights of the rest of us, maybe they will see the light. It is constantly said that we must protect the rights of the minority, but why does it have to be at the expense of the rights and privacy of the majority. If some guy thinks he is a woman or some women thinks she is a men, that is their problem, not mine or any other normal person. Since when does a normal society have to affirm and cater to those who are mentally unbalanced? NOT ME, NOT NOW, NOT EVER!, So come and arrest me.

8 years ago

Al I can say if anyone in my family gets sodomized from some freak and sick mentally ill, they are going to be leaving this world along with the people who pushed this filth and degeneracy down our throats. I normally would not follow the old testament rule of an eye for an eye, but in this case l will make a sidestep from the new testament, and use the O.T. rule. If we don’t begin to draw the moral line and begin going after filthy perverts ruling over us then we will surely deserve what we are getting. I believe its time to take back our state from evil people ruling over us as well as groups of anarchists demanding all sorts of freakish things.

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

What does it say about a country that is left to fight for the ability to have it’s children exercise the call of nature without fear of perverts? Talk about scraps of liberty….shesh.