Many Americans Are Now Planning To “Bug Out” Ahead Of Election Day As Authorities Brace For Chaos

Will you be safe where you currently are if the election results cause chaos to erupt in the streets of our major cities?  A lot of Americans are becoming deeply concerned about their personal safety as we approach November 3rd, because they can see what is coming.  It is going to take a lot of extra time to count all of the votes because tens of millions of Americans are voting by mail this time around, and both sides have recruited armies of lawyers and are prepared to contest the results of the election to the bitter end.  No matter who ends up being declared the winner when it is all over, there will be millions upon millions of very angry voters out there that are likely to feel as though the election was stolen from them, and that is a recipe for widespread societal unrest. 

I truly wish that we could go back and do things differently so that we would not be facing this sort of scenario, but it is too late for that now.  More than 27 million Americans have already voted, and more are voting every day.  Any attempts to fix the process will have to wait for future elections, and without a doubt it definitely needs to be fixed.



I suppose the above information does not apply to those sapient Americans who recognized the demise of the nation and took steps earlier to move to a safe haven. Many of these people were labelled “preppers” as a sign of derision. Today, they are the smart ones who had hoped that they would be wrong but are not revelling in their foresight.

Where does that leave the people who are left to fend for themselves in a world without the rule of law? Ammunition and firearms are virtually unavailable. Food and safe housing have skyrocketed. They do not have any faith in the news or the government. Imagine living in such a world as the clock winds down to midnight into the fourth turning.

It does not matter how we got here since there is enough blame to spread around. I pray that the rebirth of a new beginning will be founded in faith, honor, morality and wisdom gained from lessons learned.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

Yeah.., no…Im not planning on bugging but I also always have a Plan B

4 years ago

Yep, like you we got here early, because we also imagined what was coming, or what we thought we imagined. We knew that most had lost their way, and valued narcissism over morality. What we didn’t understand until now was that civilization itself was coming to an end.

The unbelievable news about what’s really on Hunter Biden’s laptop, from the evidence about the purchase of our country by the CCP, to the unspeakable material that includes HB and the rape and torture of underage (VERY underage) Chinese girls, may still come out, but they are doing everything to block it. Who are “they”? The media, who are just as guilty of the same acts as HB. Big Tech, who are just as guilty of the same acts as HB. Almost ALL of the democrats, and many of the republicans, who are just as guilty of the same acts as HB. They did these unspeakable things for money, provided by the CCP, willingly and knowingly.

Now they have to protect the open secrets they knew were part of that bargain, and they will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to do so, including destroying the greatest nation in the history of the world, so they can turn it over to the CCP. As I said much earlier this year, then we were only in the first inning. Now we’re in the second, we’re down 12-0, and the umpire is Xi Jinping. The game is already over.

The CCP has waged a war on us that we are unlikely to win. I must disagree with the sentiment about living in a world without rule of law. There will be a rule of law, and it has already been written by the CCP. We’re not included in that world.

May God have mercy on us all.