Maricopa County Republican Committee Executive Board Declares Biden Illegitimate President

On June 21st, life-long Republican from Arizona Brian Ference, who is an elected Maricopa County member, announced that the Maricopa County Republican Committee Executive Board unanimously approved his resolution that rejects the certification of the 2020 presidential election.

Citing the violation of constitution by various secretaries of state to illegally circumvent state legislatures and allowing reception of ballots after the election day, as well as documented evidence of massive election fraud, the resolution concludes:

We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.


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2 years ago

Sounds like another step toward that civil war that’s approaching rapidly.

strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian

Yep, and the sounds of those steps are getting louder and louder.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Yes, it is coming, it will be with a ferociousness not seen in American in our history.

Hank Thompson
Hank Thompson
2 years ago

Save the Republic!

2 years ago

The state of Georgia has a Secretary of State who’s dossier indicates he is either a bona fide American draft dodger or a Canadian national. Any public record about this person and his family has been wiped clean. He ramrodded Dominion Voting machines through funding and implementation. Dominion is from Ontario Canada, as is Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State. No wonder Georgia is a blue state now….

2 years ago
Reply to  Herbie

Yes and the slimeball was polling at 25% yet manages to get 75% of the vote total? No questions about this from the GOP?

2 years ago
Reply to  Axel

The GOP functions as “controlled opposition.” They do nothing substantive; they are careful to not piss off their handlers in the Deep State (the Senior Executive Service). The GOP are allowed to make token resolutions--that’s all. Their only concerns are to get re-elected and to amass their fortunes.
Beats working!

Last edited 2 years ago by TakeAHardLook
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Agree, all theatre to give the hopium addicts their fix.

Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
2 years ago

Much ado about nothing. This is nothing but Ference and members of the Maricopa County RCEB maneuvering for higher office. The obvious irregularities & illegitimacy of the 2020 Presidential election has been known since the hours and days immediately after “election day,” and now it’s almost July 2022.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
2 years ago

Citing the violation of constitution by various secretaries of state to illegally circumvent state legislatures and allowing reception of ballots after the election day, as well as documented evidence of massive election fraud, the resolution concludes.

2 years ago

blamatty blam
goes the moon crews’ jam…

strider 777
2 years ago

the Maricopa County Republican Committee Executive Board unanimously approved his resolution that rejects the certification of the 2020 presidential election.” Wow, that is amazing! Not one damned RINO in whole lot of them. Wow! I’m proud of them.

strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

Wait a minute. Something’s wrong here. The Republicans never take a strong stand on principle. They always chicken out and turn tail in the end. Damn, fooled again.