Marines down on Obama

The Marine Corps Times previews its cover story about anti-Obama Marines at their ‘Battle Rattle’ blog.

According to the article, of the 792 active-duty troops and mobilized reservists who responded to this year’s Military Times Poll, 44 percent said that they disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job as commander in chief.

The article cites hot button issues such as repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” relaxing restrictions of women in combat, and steep budget cuts, behind the disapproval numbers.

The report highlights the recent controversy over a Tea Party Facebook page operated by active Marine Sgt. Gary Stein.


Marine in Hot Water After Criticizing President Obama on Facebook

A Marine may be in trouble for possibly violating military rules after criticizing President Obama on Facebook. Sergeant Gary Stein started a Facebook page, writing on it that he would not follow orders from the president.

Sgt. Stein said in a statement that he believes he has freedom of speech like everyone else, and that the “Constitution trumps everything else.” Legal analysts Lis Wiehl and Bob Massi joinedAmerica’s News HQ to talk about the case.

Lis disagrees with his statement saying that when people sign up for the military, they are prohibited from certain political speech. “Saying that you’re not going to follow the commander in chief when you’ve made a sworn statement … is at least skirting the line,” she contended.

Bob said there are protocols with the Department of Defense that prohibits military members from speaking out in this manner. “I think what the problem is that he identified himself in his Facebook as a military person. The question is what if he didn’t identify himself as a military person but said it as an individual citizen.”


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