by Brandon Smith
Normalcy bias is a rather horrifying thing. It is so frightening because it is so final; much like death, there is simply no coming back. Rather than a physical death, normalcy bias represents the death of reason and simple observation. It is the death of the mind and cognitive thought instead of the death of the body.
Ever since the derivatives collapse of 2008 the public has been regaled with wondrous stories of recovery in the mainstream to the point that such fantasies have become the “new normal”. These are grand tales of the daring heroics of central bankers who “saved us all” from impending collapse through gutsy monetary policy and no-holds-barred stimulus measures.
Alternative economists have not been so easy to dazzle. Most of us found that the recovery narrative lacked a certain something; namely hard data that took the wider picture into account. It seemed as though the mainstream media (MSM) as well as the establishment was attempting to cherry-pick certain numbers out of context while demanding we ignore all other factors as “unimportant.”
We just haven’t been buying into the magic show of the so called “professional economists” and the academics, and now that the real and very unstable fiscal reality of the world is bubbling to the surface, the general public will begin to see why we have been right all these years and the MSM has been utterly wrong.
LMAO! What friggin recovery? We may have the illusion of a ‘recovery’ but in order to generate true wealth there must be production yet there isn’t production corresponding to the “wealth” generated by the rigged game called the “Stock Market.”
Just imagine where we would be if the government we unable to print or borrow (often through more printing) the roughly 44 cents of every dollar it spends. The take away the Fed’s, forced, ZIRP, and where would that leave us? Keep in mind this is just the fraud we are aware of so any notion that there are real markets is more mental masturbation than reality.