Maybe We Really Do Need a Third Party – Erick Erickson

Senator Max Baucus of Montana receives campaign donations from the parent company of Phillip Morris. Senator Baucus then puts a provision in the highway transportation bill banning roll your own cigarette operations, a business that does not exist in Montana.

Forty people in Harry Reid’s Nevada and elsewhere will lose their jobs because atransportation bill actively and willfully legislated a legal business out of business by driving up the regulatory burden so excessively. Major cigarette manufacturers championed the legislation and Republicans supported it because it will increase tax revenue without them voting to raise taxes.

Put bluntly, Republicans voted to do exactly what they accuse the Democrats of doing — shut down businesses by driving up regulatory burdens in an effort to increase taxes.

Max Baucus may have inserted the provision, but it made it through Republican House of Representatives. Maybe we do need a third party to do the job Republicans campaign on doing, but then get to Washington and don’t actually do.

I am not at the point of really advocating a third party. But I know me writing this will get the attention it needs to get.

The Republicans in Washington really have no clue.

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