McCain calls for Ebola ‘czar’

I doubt that the elected “leaders” in this country will ever realize that more money, regulations, laws and posturing will not solve problems. Increasing government by adding yet another illegal czar is the epitome of how dysfunctional the federal government has become. Ask anyone on the street for their opinion on solving Ebola: over 90% know that stopping travel from West Africa and securing the borders is paramount. The only question is why the government has not taken these actions.

David DeGerolamo


McCain calls for Ebola ‘czar’

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday called for President Obama to nominate an Ebola “czar” to coordinate the administration’s response to the deadly virus.

“I’d like to know who’s in charge,” McCain said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

In the past, McCain had been critical of Obama’s use of so-called “czars” to name lead officials on particular matters. In 2009, McCain tweeted that Obama had “more czars than the Romanovs — who ruled Russia for 3 centuries.”


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