McConnell: The Truth Is A Mistake

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old dog
old dog
2 years ago

Another congress critter that has been there to long and forgotten who he really works for. My question is to Kentucky, why the heck do you keep electing him to office?

2 years ago
Reply to  old dog

Yes, sir, he has been there way too long. He is long past his expiration date.

Trust me though, he truly does know who he works for, and the Chicoms know too.

Craig H. Cosgray
Craig H. Cosgray
2 years ago

In the words of this demon. Do not believe your eyes.
Do not believe the fact that there is a mountain of common-sense evidence our elections are being rigged.
Believe this clown is in charge of the senate because of his wisdom, actions and charisma.
Ignore the fact that the LEFT burned down half of America. That didn’t happen.

old dog
old dog
2 years ago

I can’t and won’t say you are wrong CHC. It is a sad, sad day when common sense is no longer among us. Where are all the patriots? Where did our love of country, justice & integrity go? Will the people ever wake up to the fact they are being shackled and enslaved by these critters in their marble palaces? I thought I would never say this but, I pray for another shot that is heard around the world. This carnage by psychopaths can’t continue to go on much longer.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Stinking chicom treasounous POS, what do you expect.

2 years ago


2 years ago

The Turtle, head of the swamp critters!

2 years ago

And this S#@T will continue until we do something. If we don’t China and Russia will come here and do what we don’t have the balls to do. Then we will be serving masters more powerful than the ones we have now. When. When will we stand! May God have mercy on our pathetic souls.

2 years ago

wow, Mitch, rino extraordinaire, are you actually telling us that we are unable to see the truth, that you and your traitorous congressional cretins are saying didn’t occur. We do have eyes and can see the truth. Your kangaroo court (Aussie friends, sorry to insult that creature) is nothing more than a sham.

2 years ago

Tucker, and the video, testified to the truth. McConnell, unsurprisingly, lied again. But what else should we expect from a traitor who has made a career out of lying. Hell, if he ever did tell the truth, no one would believe him!

2 years ago

Freedom from servitude comes not from violent action, but from the refusal to serve. Tyrants fall when the people withdraw their support.

THE POLITICS OF OBEDIENCE: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
Introduction and footnotes copyright © 1975 by Murray N. Rothbar

2 years ago

this commie chicom makes me sick to my stomach. this treasonous rat sucking dog all he ever does is takes bribes from the chi com government, in my eyes he should be hanged for treason as well as his chi com wife. this guy has got to be removed as minority speaker and fast. he is a detriment to our nation as well as all the rat bag Rinos who returned him to be minority speaker. when this rat bastard speaks you see chuck the schmuck hands in back of his head.