Meanwhile In Canada…

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

China is the model they are using for their agenda, it is happening in real time here in the former Constitutional Republic as well.

2 years ago

Good old fashioned suffrage session, those always get the left hot and horny. If history is any indication, once they get bored of those the purging of people they deem are unable to be re-educated will be the new hotness.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Hey, you paid attention in history class, no fair! LOL!

2 years ago

Stand your ground, Jordan!

(Easy for ME to say, I’m retired. But still…)

2 years ago

“Who is able to make war with the beast?” …there is One. “Take courage and God will strengthen you.”

Hal P
Hal P
2 years ago

Fing Commies

2 years ago

The price to pay for not having a culture of your own, and letting others build it from without; their media; all these conservative talking points on the mainstream media over the decades, pandering to the iron grip that now has closed in on their ranks and beyond. Didn’t his ilk know that having a verbal stage, even with a widespread audience is not a substitute for having an action-oriented counterpart? Why was there no church militant, for instance? Why weren’t those individuals with according temperaments and dispositions, taught about real and historical agitation towards political aims? Where are the natural born and cultivated disturbers of the status quo? They weren’t wanted, shunned out of the churches, out of educational institutions, and more. Deal with it. This has been allowed to linger to the detriment of the larger group. Figure out what went wrong and rectify it.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Ya know, not for nothing, but this incident is a good metaphor for all of us.
I had heard it said before, years back on and off, but didn’t grok it like this, like this now:

At some point you will have to choose.

Its that simple.
One (issue) at a time, one by one, they will try to pick us off by picking us apart. But like Mr. Jordan here, like happened to many of us at work over the jibbyjab, like we all dealt with at the entrance to the store during the mask fiasco… you will be made to choose, and suffer the consequences of your choice. If you want to view this through a biblical lens, you can say its the mark. You can also see this secularly -- you will be put into a situation where you will have to declare your side. That is what they are doing on purpose, forcing us to self-sort. We do the rest of their work ourselves with all the infighting and arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin!

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
2 years ago

Straight out of the 1984 playbook. JP is now a thought criminal. Let us welcome him into our ranks.