Meeting with Thom Tillis

Thom Tillis met with representatives of grass roots group leaders and bloggers today (June 13th, 2012) to discuss Voter ID legislation (HB 351).  Here is the score card:

1. Agreed to meeting with no conditions – thumbs up.

2. Met with us for forty-five minutes – thumbs up.

3. Explained his positions on several pieces of legislation (voter ID, restaurant carry, judicial review) with additional political background – thumbs up.

4. Was not condescending and did not pander to us – thumbs up.

Mr. Tillis stated up front that this was a preliminary meeting. My thoughts after the meeting are that he is a prudent man who understands that relationships are not built overnight. The best part of the meeting: seeing the seven veto overrides of Gov. Bev under glass.

David DeGerolamo

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