Men Without Chest

The tone of the headline at Liberty Daily is all wrong.

Unhinged: Radicals Claim Terrorist Attack on NC Power Grid Was Done by Right-Wingers to Stop a Drag Show

“Unhinged”? SRSLY?!? I hope to hell it WAS “done by right-wingers to stop a drag show,” myself. In ordinary times and conditions, I wouldn’t give a moist fart about “stopping a drag show,” of course, or otherwise interfering with or infringing on anybody that’s tolerant enough to return the favor.

Unfortunately, these are NOT such times; having long since declared total war against us Normals and absolutely everything we believe in, reverence, or hold dear, it’s time and past time they got themselves one, if you ask me—so vigorously and unreservedly that, when all’s said and done, the merest thought of ever messing with us again leaves them literally retching up their spleens in sheer terror.

When the theory “right-wingers” were responsible for an attack on a North Carolina county’s power grid hit my feed, I paid no attention. It’s a ludicrous thought from ludicrous people who project what THEY would do if they wanted something shut down. “Right-wingers” don’t think about attacking a power grid to protest an event. We just show up at the event.

Apparently, the theory received so much attention that law enforcement had to address it.

For the record, I’m not saying that “right-wingers” or “left-wingers” or any-wingers weren’t responsible. I’m just saying it’s really stupid to think whoever did it committed the act of terrorism for the sake of a drag show.

If the idiotic theory turns out to be true (you never know, right?), I’ll post a correction. But for now I’m sticking with the official story that there’s absolutely no evidence of “right-wingers” turning our power to thousands with a terrorist attack to stop a drag show. I’m pretty confident I won’t be issuing any retractions.

Alas, so am I. Which only means that bars will go right on being lowered, Overton windows will go on shifting ever Leftward, and the recruiting of our own children to be used as weapons against us will continue as they have been. Recoiling in horror most dainty at any suggestion of righteous retribution against our willful tormentors is nothing but a recipe for disaster and defeat.

Are we really so weak-willed, so cowardly, that we must concede everything to an Enemy that has demonstrated himself to be implacable, insatiable, and merciless? Does comity really demand that we kneel in submission to him at every single turn? I’ll let Patrick Henry—who would no doubt disdain to piss in the mouths of his cringing, puling ancestors descendants if their gums were on fire, so far have they strayed from the noble standard he and his confréres set for them—say it for me:

Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

Read the Whole Article Here…

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I was not aware that a lot of the founding fathers were not old white men, a good majority of them were youngsters.

2 years ago

Indeed: comment image

2 years ago

you want to stop a drag show for children. shoot the perverts in the drag show.