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- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Seems Guilty
- Steady Steve on Chief Counsel Pamela Hicks has been fired and escorted out of the Washington, D.C. headquarters
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Chief Counsel Pamela Hicks has been fired and escorted out of the Washington, D.C. headquarters
- kal kal on I See the Problem
- kal kal on I See the Problem
They suffer from serious mental problems, in their denial of gender and stating they are being persecuted by Christians and straight people. Now they call to kill people who do not accept the lies, the antifa fascists are behind these sick fools and their ranks are full of these sick demons.
I hate violence, but lets don’t put off to tomorrow what we can do today. If the “gender bender” wants to fight, then as Marvin Gaye said, “lets get it on.” I’m tired of these idiots trying to make me accept these godless abomination of ideas.
Petulant, arguably insane and indisputably immature and extremely deluded. Soros and his minions clearly are behind all this. These transfreaks are simply more useful idiots. Who/when/where have Lmnop persons been genocided? Is pushing back against the grooming of innocent children and the mutilation of their bodies somehow a genocide? Oh, reeeeeaaaalllllyyyyy?
The Gender Pretender Psychotics with Psychosis gota Psychotic.
The Sex Cult has gone Rabid.
Don’t underestimate your enemy. Just like Burn Loot Murder and Antifa the 3 letter agencies and the Leftist driven LAW are waiting to protect them and eliminate troublesome folks.
Sadly, some of the mentally disturbed are combat vets so they know how to do their job. Yep, the VA is ON IT as usual.
Think, don’t react. Nobody needs to find themselves back home just like the Jan 6th folks to be picked up one by one from geofencing cell phones, license plate readers and the many surveillance cameras (most stores have them folks..) that WILL be used to ID and arrest you later.
It’s beyond mental illness -- this is today’s Demonic Possession. Satan is a murderer. Anyone carrying out acts of murder is already demon possessed. Stay safe. Get your conceal Carry!
Yet another branch of bolsheviks to advance the lefts mission. Also, the left have been open about being triggered of photos showing people holding guns and scream think of the children; Yet are cheering and clapping like seals of trannies holding guns threatening to murder christian children.
If you know your KNV Bible this stuff you are watching right now puts you squarely in the middle of the beginning of sorrows and the Days Of Lot.
Carpenter please expand on this thought. I don’t understand your reference?
When asked about events of the last days by His disciples, Jesus said that time would be like the ‘days of Lot’. We are in the closing moments of the Church Age, and we are also in the overlap time period of the beginning of sorrows.
Luke 17:22-30
And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it. 23 And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them. 24 For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.25 But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. 26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; 29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. 30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Everything from verse 22 to verse 37 is a sermon on the Second Advent, I only listed verse 30. A lot of the same material is covered in the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24, except this scripture is given before Jesus inters Jerusalem at His Triumphal Entry.
“The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it” (vs 20). Now what are “the days of the Son of man”? Notice, there are four time periods of time in the scripture: 1) there are “the days of the Son of man” (vs 20), 2) there are “the days of Noe” (vs 26), 3) there are “the days of Lot” (vs 28) and 4) “the day when the Son of man is revealed” (vs 30). The first three are plural (“days”), and the last one is singular (“day”). We know that “the day when the Son of man is revealed” is: it’s the Day of the Lord -- the Second Advent. So what are those “days”?
The problem you have here is the use of the term “Son of man.” This is a Jewish term never used of Christ in the Pauline Epistles ( Romans -- Philemon). Paul writes to the Gentiles, so he says Son of God, never Son of man. The Gospels provide four different views of Christ: Matthew (a Coming King), Mark (a Servant), Luke (Son of man), and John (Son of God). What you have to keep in mind here in Luke 17:22 is that Jesus is talking to Jewish disciples to whom the Body of Christ composed of Jews and Gentiles has not yet been revealed. Hence, the term “Son of man” is used, even though you have some reference to the Church Age (vss 23-26).
Notice, first of all, that “the days of the Son of man” are likened to the days of Noah in verse 26. What were the days of Noah? They were a time heading up to the Flood (vs 27); that would be everything from Genesis 4-6. What was the Flood? It was a time of universal judgment on the earth. That’s a picture of the coming Tribulation.
Do you know what took place in the time before the Flood? You have a rapture (Gen 5:24). That wasn’t a rapture of a Jew who will return to the earth to die again (2 Kings cf. Rev 11), such as will happen with the saints of the post-Tribulation rapture. That was a rapture of a Gentile who doesn’t die and never will die: it’s a picture of the Rapture of the Church (John 11:26). So “the days of the Son of man” are the days preceding the Rapture and leading into the Tribulation (1 Tim 4:1; 2Tim 3:1). There’s an overlap there just as there was between the rapture of Enoch and the beginning of the Flood.
“As it was in the days of Noe “ (vs 26); “as it was in days of Lot” (vs 28) Christ validates the anthem it y of the Old Testament. Characters like Noah and Lot are not just fairy tales concocted to teach moral lessons; they were actual, historical figures. The Holy Spirit records their history as examples and warnings for us today (1 Cor 10:6-11): in this instance, a prophetic warning so if you want to know where you are prophetically, you look at two places in your KJV 1611 Bible: Genesis 4-6 (Noah) and Genesis 11-13 (Lot).
What takes place in Noah’s days? You have visitors come down from “upstairs.” So since 1959, the government has been getting your primed and ready to receive these visitors claiming to be from the second heaven. Do you not think it odd how recently the Pentagon and DoD acknowledged Navy Aviators encountering UFO’s? We’ve got satellites orbiting the earth beaming television (idiot box) signals into your Fort living room and telephone signals to your handheld tracking device, by to mention Fakebook and Instasham reporting your every move. There are probes launched yo Venus, Mars and Jupiter (names of fake gods) trying to find life on other planets; and giant radio telescopes ( LUCIFER) courtesy of the Roman Catholic crowd trying to “make contact.” They’re all trying to locate the “gods” who helped you jump the gap between apes and men according to the garbage Darwin published and is now taught in every public funded indoctrination system.
In Noah’s day, “they’re wee giants in the earth” (Gen 6:4). All the giants who show up after the Flood are Hamites. In Noah’s day, “all flesh has corrupted his way upon the earth” (Gen 6:12). That’s “ALL flesh” not just human flesh. The animals were corrupted too (Lev 18:23). So under the Kenyan. Obama, the Democrats voted to lift the ban on bestiality in the military, and the NEA pushed ti have it taught in the Federal schools all the way down to kindergarten. The scientists right now are mixing human DNA and animal DNA so there will be no genetic distinction between man and a beast. That way you can have “animal rights” (PETA) as well as “human rights” and “civil rights.” Do you have any idea which Church Age period we’re in? The Laodicean period -- the last one (the rights of the people) except a Christian has no rights! Have you ever studied that Book as He instructs us in 2 Tim 2:15? Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.
Do you recognize where your are yet? Is the “lay of the land” familiar? Well, if there’s any doubt where we are, let’s look at “the days of Lot.”
The first mention of Lot occurs in the same chapter where the first “United Nations” is created (Gen 11:27 cf Gen 11:1-4). You have one universal language, like English is today. The action takes place in Shinar: that’s Babylon. That’s Baghdad, Iraq where Baby Bush fought his “War on Terror” trying to complete his daddy’s mission (got the tee shirt from 90/91 and 03-09).
What else do you have in “the days of Lot”? You have the Frisco-fruity-fairy-faggots showing up in Genesis 13:13 (first mention of sinners in the Bible). They are militant (Gen 19:4-9), and if you give them free rein, they will take over your cities and your government. Thanks to the Muslim, Barack Hussein Obama, who thought himself “god” to redefine marriage. How can one redefine something when they never defined it to begin with? Wasn’t it this same crowd who “only” wanted to be accepted and tolerated?
Back to the scripture. Here in this passage, the emphasis is placed on how unprepared the populations of Noah’s day and Lot’s day were for judgment. In Noah’s day, everyone was carrying on as usual right up until the moment the rain started to fall (vs 27). They were eating, drinking, and raising families as of God had never said He was sending a floodlit wipe them all out. It was life as usual it was the same situation in Lot’s day; business as usual (vs 28). So please convince me how the American sheeple are going to act differently.
Note the words “destroyed them all” in (vss 27, 29). That’s God wiping out the populations of the whole earth and four cities. Who did that? The God who loved you enough to die for you! It’s the same God.
Modern Christians are “Modernists” in their view of God. God have Noah 120 years and when he said I’m done; He was DONE. Modern Christians think the God of the Old Testament is different than the God of the New Testament. They think the God of New Testament (God is Love) has replaced that angry, vicious God of the Old Testament. Jesus is so sweet, nice, kind, and loving that He would never do the things Jehovah did in the Old Testament -- he ain’t a baby in a manager! He would burn you just as quick as look at you if it had to be done (2 Thess 1:7-9). God is Holy! You wanna go to Hell? He’ll let you go to Hell!
The problem is that Americans have become spoiled -- soft. They have lived under God’s blessings for so long that they have too high an estimation of themselves. The Apostle Paul warned you: “Be not wise in your own conceits” (Romans 12:16, 11:25). We have forgotten with whom we are dealing: we are dealing with a righteous God who thinks nothing of killing 300,000 -- 300,000,000 people at a shot when He has to. During the coming Tribulation, He doesn’t hesitate to wipe out five billion.
That Book is an instruction for what not to do -- too bad America pissed all over it. I hope you know and have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, that’s all this old soldier has to offer. May He have mercy on US all, as I know I have failed Him….
Good night, sir
Scare me?
Yea right