Merry Christmas

by Brandon Smith

The holidays are often a time of reflection.  We look back on the past year and forward to the next year with a mindset of contemplation and examination.  In times of great turmoil as we now live in, the temptation is to give into fear and nihilism.  This is not the way of the Liberty Movement, nor is it the way of the new warriors of the Republic.  Within the engineered chaos of the so called New World Order, we keep a grounded and rational edge.  We are far ahead of the curve created by the unaware masses, and we use this advantage to continue educating others and preparing ourselves.

The future will require extraordinary men and women, people with substantial skills and an undeniable strength of independence.  You are that group of people, whether you accept the responsibility or not.  And, you have a considerable task before you in the coming year.  Organize people of like mind around you to the best of your ability.  This must be done NOW, no excuses.

Our world is fragile.  Isolated, we are weak.  Together, we are invincible.


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