Merry Christmas

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1 month ago

Christmas will come a month late this year and those bells will be sirens when the sound of paddy wagons will fill the air.

1 month ago

I’m kind of torn about this. Definitely the need for deportations but not cause for celebration. The vast majority of the illegals came here simply seeking a better life and most of them sacrificed greatly to get here. Most didn’t even know it was illegal as they were invited in. Some paid their entire life savings to the cartels to get here and now will have nothing at all… no money, no possessions, nothing, when they are forced to leave. Many parents lost their children. Many women (estimates as high as 40%) were brutally raped during their journey here. One woman who was raped when tested had 69 different DNA samples in her… now she will be told “Too bad for you. Get out”. Absolutely heartbreaking.

Hell is too good for people like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Alejandro Mayorkas.

1 month ago
Reply to  Joe_P

It is sad for some but every adult bears the risks and consequences of their own actions. Their first mistake was trusting the Cartels. What moron does that? I don’t believe they didn’t know it was illegal. We all seen the videos of people climbing the walls and fences. Those are not the actions of ignorant or law abiding people.

I agree it was wrong for the catholic church, religious activists, and Democrat operatives to illegally invite foreigners into the country and then give them safe harbor. We the people didn’t agree to this. It was also wrong for the regime change and destabilization operations that created the issues in their home countries. Hell the whole illegal mass migration is probably an operation to destabilaze the USA. So nobody wins here. I suspect all involved in both types of operations will pay for their crimes. I’m sorry for those caught in the middle but there’s no happy ending for anybody in the country illegally. They gotta go home. We need our country back.

1 month ago
Reply to  Patriot_One

Were they all aware that they needed to pay the cartels? I imagine that most were lured here by advertisements from the state department promising greener pastures, and when they arrived at the Darien Gap (or wherever), were surprised to discover that they had to pay a big toll to the friends of the CIA. And not all needed to climb a fence, some were welcomed across the border onto waiting buses by US officials, others simply walked through unmanned gates that were welded open. Huge numbers were flown in by US Gov.
I’m not saying they don’t need to go back. It just seems like its going to get real ugly and sad considering how many of them suffered greatly in order to get here.
Hopefully the perpetrators of this treasonous crime against humanity will be punished… Joe Biden and his reports, state department and other government officials, all the democratic planners who conspired in creating this invasion, the NGOs, even the hotels knowingly participating. But I’m not holding my breath.

1 month ago
Reply to  Joe_P

50 million isn’t immigration. That’s invasion. Our government ran the operation. They intentionally changed the demographics of my country. Great suffering and death awaits us.

1 month ago
Reply to  Joe_P

I dealt with these invaders for over 30 years as a Peace Officer in SoCal. If they want sympathy, they can look in Webster’s Dictionary. I believe they will find it between S**t and Syphilis.

1 month ago

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way,
Oh what fun it is to send them home today, heh,
Jingle bells, jingle bells, deport them all today!