Michelle Obama: ‘Make It a Christmas Treat’ to Talk About Health Insurance

Michelle ObamaReaching out to “moms” on Wednesday, President and Mrs. Obama urged them to encourage others to enroll in Obamacare.

“And we urge people to reach out. And if they signed up their child, then signed up — sign up their friends,” Mrs. Obama said. “You know, if you’ve got grandkids, make it a Christmas treat around the table to talk about a little health care. You know, ring in the new year with a — new coverage.” (Chuckles.)

Mrs. Obama said when she thinks of Obamacare, “the words that come to mind for me are peace of mind.” She said it’s not about politics — it’s about a “safety net” to prevent medical bills from bankrupting patients.

“And as Barack said, your stories are powerful. And it’s our job as mothers to make sure that our young people are informed about, you know, their invincibility, to make sure that other moms and families out there really understand what this law provides, and that they can take advantage of it. This is the beauty of it. People have choices. They can go onto the website, they can talk to a navigator, they can learn for themselves what the law means and what it doesn’t mean.


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