Microsoft Threatens to Shut Down Gab

Microsoft Azure, the web hosting provider for Gab, has given the company 48 hours to delete some anti-Semitic posts or face a Big Tech shut-down. Gab is a Twitter alternative that claims to protect the right to free speech. It’s not a very good alternative, as the numbers just aren’t there to keep it interesting. Most of the time it’s just righties and ultra-righties fighting amongst themselves. But Gab’s claim to fame is that they won’t kick people off for having unpopular views or engaging in insult trading that morons refer to as “hate speech.” For some, that’s a worthwhile promise.

It should be noted that in America the term “hate speech” is not a legal one, at least according to the Supreme Court. So-called “hate speech,” be it racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic or just plain mean, is protected as reaffirmed in Matal v. Tam in 2017.“Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express ‘the thought that we hate,'” wrote Justice Alito.


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6 years ago

Remember last year when that group of Goolag funded and tech assisted “hackers” attempted to shut Gab down and failed? It only seemed logical the self anointed unholy alliance of commies and corporate Bolsheviks would get around to going at Gab from another tactic.
All this thought policing was inevitable, they did their western hemisphere dry runs in Europe Las year, and with the gross loss of power and control thru regulatory tyranny 11-8-16, its taken awhile to change sources of power to within the corporate monopoly of media tech

Very interesting, and is each day more instructional, the dependence on the illusion of corporate tyranny as just and righteous. Because of this dependency on constructs instead of a mass of popular support in actual living reality, I have to seriously consider the numbers of living people grass roots popular support for the usurpation of Republican form of government, and the physical pogrom of White Christian Men of The West doesn’t exist. Not in the numbers of people necessary to wage their glorious revolution.
Antifa is obviously made up of paid agent provocateurs and plain old fashion nut jobs, and useful idiots, outcasts with some serious mental problems.
BLM could barely get any followers, unless they staged events in 3rd world democratic party shitholes and Soros funded agents in political offices.
After carefully considering all the evidence it has the definite characteristics of Astro-Turf. There simply isn’t broad popular support of the people. This is a deception/propaganda/agitprop/false narrative war waged by a very specific but limited group of actors and operatives.

In every instance of whatever political excuse or fabrication there definitely exists a very large grass roots popular support of the specific issues the Neo-Bolsheviks attempt to suppress or genocide. I think also the popular support is on the verge of grasping the truth it is a very large plurality composed of audacious motivated people who share many common interests and desires to solve problems and issues of the day. If anything, this insurgency is the only source of prudence remaining in our country. That we, because I humbly include myself in this zeitgeist, are on the cusp of our insurgent power of solidarity, because if there is only one indicator, and I believe there are quite a lot, which we are about to become the most powerful plurality imaginable, its the gestalt, or zeitgeist of common shared thinking, a gelling if you will of our demographic, that no amount of censorship, violent false and fake crisis as a means, narratives, what have you will cease to have any of the false legitimacy it hides begin currently.

As a thought experiment, I began about a year ago to ask everyone I know, and perfect strangers who are willing to chat up, the question: In the entire sphere of your life and activity, who do you know who acts, believes, and talks about patriotic everyday normal Americans as racists, nazis, fascists etc. Invariably, everyone I have asked this question kind of stops in surprise, gets that proverbial light bulb over their head look, and says, ” why no one”. I dont know a soul who resembles the contrived SJW type, dirty commie, or Marxist revolutionary.
Though my wife has a distant cousin on her Faceborg who is an insufferable Obamunist and deranged Trump hater.
I’m hitting my sixth decade, you know a lot of people at that length of age, I know not a soul who is a Marxist or neo-bolshevik.
Pretty interesting anecdotal inference. It begs many questions, up most in my perspective is just how Astro Turf is the Astro Turf?
Think about that for a sec, is it possible that all the Marxian bullshit, lies prevarication, fake or false this or that, the whole construct of race war and its precursor, diversity, literally nothing but a fabrication, obviously, but not so obviously, of a relatively tiny handful of actors and their financial backers?
It is not beyond logical reasoning.

And if so, here is the really interesting part of interesting propositions, these Marxists and useful dupes, etc, simply lack the numbers of people and support to accomplish their agenda. It does not exist in America.
And that is why it looks like so many of us are not concerned, we appear to not be involved in defending ourselves, because we look around us in our everyday lives, going about our business, being good law abiding hard working family loving faithful people. That all this Marxist crap, is just that, and here’s the head scratcher, like WTF, where and why, does all this BS come from? I’m not seeing it and neither is another soul I personally know.

Please note, I’m not talking about cognitive dissonance or normalcy bias, or not giving a shit kind of thing here, there will always be that in a limited number of people, I’m saying tangible truth you see with your own eyes, touch with your hand, experience thru real time Happening.

Is the construct nothing but one big mine job?
That the gig is to con us all into believing this Marxian future is inevitable, that resistance is futile, and we all already live within this utopian dystopia?
Is that so far fetched?
So hard to believe?
That if enough people accept the whole big lie, that is how it is possible in the first instance?
That the whom construct of the media except for the true grass roots alternative media, is a big enormous programming system right from its early days of dead tree literature news and politics?

That does not strike me as impossible.
In fact it strikes me as very likely, that it is happening right now this very moment.
And the awakening to this truth is the very existential thing all this sudden censorship of alt-media must be quashed or the whom construct collapses.

Give it a good think.
Ask yourself, the WHY?
Why are they going after all the alternate media sources with such reckless open hypocrisy?
Is it because this is all they have?
Its like the Wizard begin the curtain?
Is it why the incessant attempt to pull a palace coup upon the elected representative of the dirt people who suspect the truth, to discredit and nullify that great act of defience of the big lie of the fake narrative?
That the so called deep state is not vulnerable to being found guilty of treason and high crimes, but extremely, existentially so, of being found guilty of a hemisphere spanning con of the people that they are but a figment in their own minds of totalitarian power and supremacy of the dirt people?
That that is all there is.