I think that YouTube is competing with Facebook on which one can censor any criticism of Islam. The video has been removed.
This video was posted in Polish.
Translation: Immigrants are attacking tourists attack.
h/t Matt Bracken
What the hell is wrong with those people?!!!! Can’t the see this guy is out numbered 4 to 1!! His girlfried has more balls than the rest of them combined.
I wasn’t going to weigh in on this but since so many seem interested I’ll give it a go and say this may be bogus. To me this has the feel of a student film project. Or maybe a little something to work up harsh feelings against immigrants, who I think are doing a good enough job on their own and don’t need any outside assistance.
First off let me say that someone at one time gave me a good piece of advice and that was to take up Krav Maga, the Israeli martial art, which I did. I find it to be no frills, quickly learned and brutal in its execution. So I am not coming into this critique without some kind of knowledge in fighting skills. I also did work in film as an extra/stuntman for a hobby, never anything serious as I already had a REAL career.
Now for the critique. The first thing that makes me suspicious is the camera operator. He ‘just happened’ to have his camera pointing in the right direction at the right time? What was he filming? Sidewalk traffic? Most incidents of this nature usually start getting filmed ‘in progress’ AFTER the party has already started. More on the camera operator later.
Second, while the film may have been posted in Polish, the dialog is in English, not the King’s English but what appears to be the American version, with a bit of a Ghetto dialect. You can clearly hear the two initial antagonists say “stay away”
starting around 0:08 and confirmed by body language. At 0:15 you can hear someone in the background say “we got along”. Camera operator? There are other words but my impaired hearing could not make them out. Then at 0:57 after seemingly knocking down the ‘hero’ you hear the man in the light blue jacket say “get up”. Why let him up? Why didn’t he rush in to finish the job? Are the Marquis de Queensbury’s rules in effect during a street brawl? Kick him while he is down or prevent him from getting up. That’s what boyz in the hood would have done.
Only ONE blow in the entire encounter seemed to have had any force to it and that was the punch to the face at 0:19. All of the other punches and kicks did not
appear to have much force behind them and looked like they were pulled. C’mon, the side arm blow to the torso at 1:01 is going to take big ol’ blue jacket to the ground? And the kick to the groin by the ‘hero’ just before that did not land. The ‘stomp’ to the head at 0:36 was to the ground, on the side away from the camera and kind of looked real, a common camera angle technique that Hollyweird uses all the time in it’s choreographed fights. All the blows thrown by the antagonists are high and wide like you would expect when using a training mitt to get someone used to dodging blows, the guy in the red jacket didn’t even have to duck like he did to not get hit.
And why the two final aggressors with no apparent connection to the initial attack conveniently coming in from off camera to the side, where’s the logic in that? It’s not like the first two were following them a bit behind as part of a lager group.
All through the clip there is hesitation and lack of follow through on the part of the the antagonists, giving the ‘hero’ the breaks he needed to engage one-on-one with his opponents. But….but, but the girl ran interference for him. Did she? Do you honestly think that ‘immigrants’ would treat her that nicely? IMHO if they were REAL immigrants, especially of the muslime persuasion, the girl would have been knocked down and stomped on at the outset. Especially, if she displayed any aggression toward their macho, male-centric egos. Being polite and telling the lady to ‘stay away’ from possible harm is a Western Civilization sort of thing.
Finally, why did the camera operator pan the audience at the end instead of staying focused on the action? Was he looking for reaction from the bystanders? Did their little ‘play’ garner enough attention?
Just my $.02 worth.
If I had to bet, I would say this was staged. The men went down too easily based on the force of the kicks and punches.
101% staged!
Whatever the truth is, the video has been pulled by Youtube.
he should have killed them , by the looks of his fighting technique and how he rolled on the ground and back into a fighting position he knew what he was doing, but he needed to push there throats up into there mouths to stop there breathing so they would of choke to death, for the things i know i would have snapped all of there necks and left them to rot. May God help them if they ever decided to attack me and my wife, and they will need much more then four dregs of the earth to even get close to me