Migration and the 2030 Agenda

Migration and the 2030 Agenda

The 2030 Agenda is part of a backdrop of other important global processes that have boosted recognition, momentum and further opportunities for migration as a development force. Some are directly related to migration, such as the Global Compact for Migration (GCM). Others have indirect implications for migration, such as the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (IOM, 2017g). The development of the GCM signifies that all aspects of migration governance will continue to be a key focus for the international community going forward. The GCM “will be the first intergovernmentally negotiated agreement prepared under the auspices of the United Nations, to cover all dimensions of international migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner”2 It will have a firm rooting in the 2030 Agenda, and will provide a significant opportunity to improve the governance of migration, address the challenges associated with it, and to strengthen the contribution of migrants and migration to sustainable development.


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1 year ago

Keep the Trash in the cities.
This is a do’able goal.
Men just have to stand up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Reader

If you think they’re just in the cities, or they’re going to stay in the cities, you lost already.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

Unless your prepared to set up real roadblocks and man them the automobile (WORSE Case Busses with armed escorts) of trouble will show up.

And trouble will be armed so the range is hot both ways.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Thats why Round-a-Bouts are replacing lights at intersections…they will be checkpoints in the future.

1 year ago
Reply to  OPM

Yes, the question is WHO’s Checkpoints?

I’ve seen armored vehicles sitting in those round abouts doing the check point thing in the Sandbox and Bosnia.

Armor, especially turreted armor is a problem.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
1 year ago
