Mike Lee on the Floor of the Senate: Our Very Liberties Are at Stake

The second anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Healthcare Act and the impending  Supreme Court hearing next week has brought Obamacare back into the media spotlight. The above speech by Sen. Mike Lee would be considered to be hyperbole by this legislation’s supporters but Americans who understand the founding principles of America understand the following statement:

“Our very liberties are at stake and that is why I find this concerting.”

This legislation is not Constitutional and its passage by the Congress over the will of the people was the worst affront to our freedom in the history of the nation.

“Decisions about where you go to the doctor and how you will pay for it are not Constitutional.”

Sen. Lee’s statement is self-evident and the decision by the Supreme Court on this issue will impact the future of our country’s freedom.

David DeGerolamo

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