Military hardware flowing to Ukraine pushing Russia to the brink…China and Iran teaming up.

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Worst drought, in forever. I wonder if the 7 million migrants our government lets in this year are going to use any water? Every year the US taxpayers pay $250 billion to provide social services to migrants. It’s a big corrupt business. This year I expect the amount of money needed to provide social services to migrants will exceed $400 billion. And every year after this, will be more of the same. Unless the system collapses. I expect it will.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Russia wants to thank Globohomo NATO for allowing it to capture their toys… while destroying their rail lines and depots of new weaponry.

Which is why Globohomo US-NATO keep investing Billions.

Remember, only 1/3rd of Russia’s forces amassed on the Ukraine/Russian border has ventured into Ukraine. If Russia were to release the rest and go total war, it would be over in a week.

2 years ago

Pretty view of the “back yard”. Nice to see the cats coming home for supper. I’m jealous.

2 years ago

Can’t we just get our food and water from Walmart?? Oh I forgot, you have to grow food in the ground, with water from the sky! If you want to eat, you better start a garden.

Yes, we are at war with Russia, they know it! They also know we started it and what our goals are.

The question is when will they tire of it?