Military Is Being Weaponized
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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

That treasonous SOB milley, would love to rout out the white rage, I don’t think he will hesitate once obama gives that order.

2 years ago

Milley cannot order anything. He is not in the chain of command. He communicates orders from the CINC (Read: Biden)

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  mosaicwolf

When did the chain of command matter to that treasonous SOB?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

This is why the founders hated a large standing army and really did not like a standing army at all.

2 years ago

Lots of speculation, but we will just have to wait and see who wins in the coming civil war. In the mean time, remember the adage, ” amateurs study tactics and professionals study logistics”! Stock up now, while you still can!

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

For a civil war , there is a need for organized chain of command. Do we have such a thing now? Therefore, we will have a MAD MAX issue, instead of civil war.

2 years ago

Unfortunately, we then should have no more qualms about firing on our own colors, when it comes down to it. Half of them planning to do the dirty unto us will probably be foreign personnel, anyway.

2 years ago

There are analysts and commentators in alt media that have been raising this concern for years and years. Of course the momentum increased when the kenyan fraud was inserted as president.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

All this talk is to deflect from the truth that the military is already at war with us. It ain’t bullets and bombs. It’s weather warfare. They drought out one area and flood another. Crop failures abound either way.
When TX was talking secession, an “unusual” frost hit. Water pipes burst. No talk of secession since. Ice nucleation modification.
Soldiers are old school. They may be needed to mop up. For more info, with Dane Wigington.

2 years ago

Let the sodomite loving Miley try and he will be the first one to be hanged or shot dead center thru his communist loving brain right where he lives. The Crap bag can run ,but can’t hide continually at the transvestite loving pentagon .believe me no military man in the ranks will go to his defense to rescue him because they will all die at the hands of patriots who been forced out of the military over Covid shots and have grave bones to pick with them. Let him eat S_ _T and die along with the Marxist secretary of the military and every one of the fake joint chiefs of crap who were installed by Obama the sodomite devil.
Go ahead and bring it on on watch what happens to your lipstick high heel loving military who have turned themselves into turds. The entire world is laughing at our military and what the demonrat freak devils turned it into.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
2 years ago

Kent State anyone?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Biff

Thet were un-armed students were they not?

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Yep. Recall who participated in WACO too.

Stink foot cheese
Stink foot cheese
2 years ago

I currently work with the military as a contractor and let me tell you that these kids are not very bright. They do not know what to do when a vaccum stops sucking, they all gather around and stare at it like what happened what do I do now. There are very few to none that I would hire or trust to have my teams back. When I served we work until the job was done, we never got off at a certain time and expect to everyday that time was an approximation they complain about not foing home by said time. These kids are soft, when we have to train them how to use their own systems, we know who will learn and who will not. It is very sad that it is not the same military I so proudly served.

2 years ago

Stupid is, stupid does. Are they wearing lipstick and high heels as well as Bras as well in our new military. We are a laughing stock around the world. And these are the people they are going to send against me when the orders are given to kill Americans , do you know how many of these chumps I will send back to there barracks in body bags as warning to the chump queers in the joint chiefs of crap.

2 years ago

Have you forgotten who appointed Milley. Yes, Trump, and he told us he did it because he wanted to piss off McMaster and John Kelly, Trumps own words he told us that. Think about it real hard and ask yourself if you would trust him to do the right thing for the country ever.