Military Whistleblowers Confront a Rogue Chain of Command

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h/t WRSA

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

These demons have become so comfortable, they are now making the virus right here in these communist states. Time for a call to muster, we need to raise the black flag and take care of business.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

It did not shock me, they denied agent orange was causing problems with the Viet-Nam vets. They were also using depleted uranium in their munitions in Iraq.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

There is an upside to this. The military might be reduced to the size the founders envisioned and then they would be doing what they should be doing. Not running around the world making sure the rich man get richer. The founders would be appalled to see what the military and the government is dong. But then again they warned us.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

Just out of curiosity, where does the Constitution state that when you join the military you loose your Constitutional rights? I have found nowhere. In fact the Constitution limits the federal government and tell them exactly what they are allowed to do. This includes the military, they are no above the Constitution, they under it. So accepting the idea that they are above it is actually going against the oath taken when joining because you are not defending the Constitution when you agree that is does not pertain to the military.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Good point Thomas.

2 years ago

There is a very system answer to this problems. Just read “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and put 2 and 2 together.