T.L. Davis:
The United States of America is not America. One is a political construct of the constitution; the other is the land and property owned by people who call themselves Americans. One is sick, corrupt, illegal and immoral. The other is the land and homes that need to be defended from the other. The United States of America is rabid, irrationally attacking those trying to heal it from the poison in its system.
After watching a little bit of Meet the Press, a clip, I was struck by the way every talking head was aghast at the idea of Republicans, and more accurately, America First Republicans getting involved in politics on the local level, i.e., precinct captains, poll watchers, county clerk offices, district attorney offices, etc. They spoke as if those positions were the property, the territory of Democrats and Democrats alone. Any interference with Democrat offices was a threat to democracy.
It boggles the mind how they see election integrity as a threat to democracy. The same people who fell for the Russia hoax, who used that as a means to undermine the authority and legitimacy of Donald Trump’s presidency for over two years suddenly weep and moan about the threat to democracy caused by Donald Trump pointing out that crimes were committed during the 2020 election. It’s infuriating. The fact that crimes were committed is not in dispute. There’s video tape of it. There have been indictments in Wisconsin charging several members of the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) with felonies. All because one sheriff did his duty and investigated charges of criminal acts. Where are all of the other sheriffs in the country?
The whole thing has been a mind-numbing question as to why no one will do their job and investigate criminal activity. It’s a simple matter. Sheriffs are the ones to investigate crimes and when they find suspects, they arrest them. Then it goes to the district attorney to file charges and make the case, or not. It doesn’t have to be done at the Attorney General or Secretary of State level, because they’ve often proven themselves to be the criminals. Refusing to indict someone based on race or political affiliation is a crime. Many of the officials who have done that are the ones supported by Soros and his never-ending flow of cash. This is not speculation or hyperbole, it’s in the FEC filings where the money for their campaigns came from. No, it doesn’t say George Soros, one has to look into who is the founder and director or chief funding source for these organizations to get to the truth, but it’s all there.
Our vote has not counted in this country for a very long time. The communist woodrow wilson got the federal reserve in control of our currency, and as rockefeller stated it does not matter how you vote if we have control of the currency. the 17th amendment usurped state sovereignty and was never fully ratified.
The people have to decide what they do or don’t want to live their lives under in the way of a governance. It is that simple! If we must divide then lets get it done so we can move forward. I understand it is going to be bloody the likes of which most of us have never seen but, I don’t see free men/women moving forward to a free future at this point in time. Pick a path, make a choice between freedom or tyranny.
I have chosen my path, the current maoist regime did that for me they declared me a terrorist. They are my mortal enemy at this point, I choose freedom. Proverbs 27:17 iron sharpens iron.
Tom; I stand with you brother.
I will not vote at this juncture in time. They all need to be thrown out whether right or left.
US RINO Senator from Texas John Cornyn has stated many times “there was no election fraud.” He has also stated that we need common sense immigration policies in order to allow more people to come to the US. He is blind to the invasion occurring on the southern border.
Tyler, Texas must be proud of their home town RINO.
Who is John Galt?
How prophetic was the fictional account and character of John Gault, describing the same scenario today with the exception of the spark that set it off, the plandemic, and written in 1957. For a modern conclusion of what the world will evolve into, read Kurt Schlichters series of Kelly Turnbull (all 6 of them). Funny, entertaining, insightful.
“Satan and his minions are real. We must then confront the reality that powerful spiritual enemies, bent on robbing us of our eternal inheritance, are afoot. I don’t know about you, but I want to live with God for the rest of eternity. I am old enough to know that nothing else will fulfill me. If there is a real enemy out there, determined to block my inheritance, I want to exercise every weapon at my disposal to avoid and frustrate his plans.”
Matthew Cramer