When the “ambassador” comes knocking on your door, they will be someone who is a true believer who has been “vaccinated”. The reality is that these ambassadors are nothing more than disposable lemmings which the government is using to start an uncivil war. They want to initiate a response which they hope will be fatal since their psyops January 6th event did not work as expected.
At this point, they probably will get their wish but the consequences may not be what they anticipated. In any event, they will get their desired outcome of population reduction.
![Live Free or Die by tattoosbyashleigh on deviantART](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffc09.deviantart.net%2Ffs71%2Fi%2F2014%2F260%2F5%2Fc%2Flive_free_or_die_by_tattoosbyashleigh-d7zhl7b.jpg&f=1&nofb=1)
David DeGerolamo
I will not take the kill shot, and what ever happens if they come to my door will not be to there liking.
They are pushing this vax down our throats or any other way they can penetrate our bodies. If they were not so bent on getting us vax I for one might not be as dead set against it as I am.
If this “vaccine” was legitimate, the govt would not push it on those who have actually had COVID. Natural immunity is normally a desired outcome for any infectious virus — not so with COVID. It’s all about the jab…and profit isn’t the goal, depopulation is.
Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, has gone on record saying he believes the COVID-19 injections, and the upcoming boosters in particular, are a “serious attempt at mass depopulation.” (Source: Rumble, a Planet Lockdown interview w/ Dr. Michael Yeadon.
It is a very sad state of affairs that we have gotten ourselves into, and we have created all this nonsense all by ourselves when we deterred from the intent of our Constitution. Our form of self govt. is for a moral and educated people, and will not work for any other. It also must be taken care of and minded regularly. (IE: blood of patriots and tyrants being spilled from time to time etc.)
I have thought about it quite a bit and would honestly like someone to tell me, what facet of our lives is not controlled, or regulated, by some form of gubmint in one way or another, with the exception of dressing yourself, when to eat and when to take a dump & wipe your backside (I think comrade slo Jo’s clown show may be working on that one too).
Even what we eat is dictated to us: not eating fast food cause it’s not healthy = its for your own good (cause we know better)
Beautifully written..
Don’t be stupid.
Smile, be nice, and draw less attention to yourself.
Posted: No soliciting or loitering on this property.
“Sorry, I am not interested. Have a nice day.”
Door-to-Door ‘vaccination teams’ only works in Urban/ Dense Suburban Areas. Those places are the only ones where sufficient ‘law enforcement’ assets are available to Protect the bureaucrats going Door-to-Door.
Once they enter the Exurban (10+ Acre Lots) and Rural Areas, all bets are off. It Might be possible to set up Roadblocks, but they wouldn’t last long, as Rural Sheriffs would be unlikely to support such Nazi Tactics (or if they Did, we Know where they Live).
The Increasing Desperation of the Z.O.G. to push the ‘vaccine’, in the face of an Rising, Impossible-to-Hide Death Toll, indicates that their Biowarfare Plan is Crumbling too rapidly for it to succeed as planned.
Chaos is Coming. Got Ammo?
Has anyone not been vaccinated (for something). Can you not answer the question “have you been vaccinated”; yes?
What has that got to dO with the Jab?
don’t forget . TWO weeks to slow the spread ..
This isn’t about a vaccine. It’s about our politics. They do not like our politics, and they are itching to have us to shoot just one of these people. And they just might get their wish.