Mississippi Rising

School Bus Lot in Memphis, TN

The Mississippi River flooding of 2011 should be the top news story that we all need to be following. The economic impact from the casinos that have been closed (10,000 displaced workers), loss of farmland and corresponding food shortages, and insurance losses will be felt nationwide. An overview is shown below but the consequences of closing I-40 due to flooding shows the magnitude of this historic event. UPDATE 5/5/11 Fifteen miles of I-40 were shut down due to flooding.


The tributaries of the Wolf River and Nonconnah Creek are flowing backwards due to the volume of water coming in from the Mississippi. As the midwest is bracing for several inches of rainfall, the flooding will continue through the month of May. If this farmland does not dry out in time for spring planting, the cost of food along with the cost of gasoline will strain our budgets this summer and fall.

David DeGerolamo

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13 years ago

I find the photo of the flooded school buses quite disturbing. It means that govt. officials in memphis learned NOTHING from Katrina. There was ample warning to move those buses to higher ground, yet there they sit, and I wonder who will foot the bill to buy new buses? I also wonder how many OTHER examples of government incompetence we will have to pay for, in this disaster?