Missouri Lt. Gov. to Radical Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal: Resign or We Will Remove You From Office

Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, posted a comment in a Facebook conversation Thursday morning saying she hoped President Donald Trump will be assassinated.

The comment has since been removed. But Chappelle-Nadal confirmed to the Post-Dispatch that she had written it in response to another commenter before deleting it.

On Friday Missouri Lt. Governor Mike Parsons told Senator Chappelle-Nadal to step down or be removed from office.


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7 years ago

this is what these black BLM card carrying members are, they are all coming out of the closet now, they used to be in the closet performing ther dirty deeds behind doors, but are now in the open. It’s about time the people of Mo. know whom they voted in, a racist pig slob.