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- Daniel K Day on It’s a Racket
- Nisey on Thom Tillis – Too Little, Too Late
- Tim Bo on But Will They Go to Jail?
- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on But Will They Go to Jail?
- Magrit on Thom Tillis – Too Little, Too Late
Good lord they are going to kill everyone. What a shitshow. And the sheep will keep on lining up for more to their demise.
Yep. So, when are we having a last hoorah?
I don’t see articles, evidence or comments changing a thing.
So, might as well get to it seems.
March on through the wind and the rain…God Bless!
May as well enjoy ourselves on are way to get that dirt shirt.
Escalation continues. Close all borders. Throw out all scientists from other nations involved in gain of function ASAP. Lock up Fauci and Gates. Close their operation down. Calling all decent Intel ops to do this. God bless. Remove all foreign entities from Big Pharma USA.
truth can
be used as
a foundation for
a mountain of lies,
and if we dig down deep
enough in the mountain of lies,
and bring out that truth, to set it
on top of the mountain of lies; the entire
mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of
that one truth, and there is nothing more devastating to a
structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which
the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of
the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to
reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to
follow, awakening even those
people who had no
desire to be
to the
Delamer Duverus
Maybe we should all go on a hunger strike.
The whirling dirvish that now occupy’s the presidency is tiring everybody out. When will he stop with his dazzling display and oratory feats. When we drag his tired ass out into the street.
The problem with this video is that anyone with a small amount of chemistry experience knows that a lot of scary sounding things are used to make things that are benign and I’m afraid that if you have “Doctors” (of what?) espousing “ingredients” out of patents that may just be part of a process to make something you could make many every day items sound dangerous so this really looses credibility -- drain cleaner (lye -- aka sodium hydroxide) is used to make soap for example -- and it will kill you if you ingest it. Get a sample of an actual vax and analyze it then say what’s in it -- how hard can that be -- is every Walgreens employee on the take??? The jab is bad and dangerous but please back up any accusations with facts not BS to scare people. We need serious conversations with proof not BS.