Monday Morning Video

I watched this video and saw an analogy to our country. Do you see it?

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Yep. The illegal aliens will take what you give them and never be satisfied.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tim

yes, but FURTHER:
you keep handing out free fish, & pretty soon the big brute will jump right in & help himself to ALL the fish, & you won’t be able to stop him.
ie. pandering to the ‘migrants’ will be noted by BIGGER predators, who want ALL of it…

1 year ago

My take: The illegals are and will take that which was going to our own Sheeple-GimmeDats.

And that leads to this: This is already seen in the Chicago area town hall last week, where locals got riled up about local guvamint plans to put illegals in empty school buildings. Hopping mad folks angry at being pushed aside and kept from their expected entitlements.

Racial chaos and conflict will develop soon leading to shoot’em ups.

The guvamint will get the race war that they want to fully carry out Cloward-Piven Strategy to institute communism in our nation,

But it might not involve the parties that they think will be involved….

1 year ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

They will kill themselves off and we will watch them devour themselves as what occurred in Minnesota at an election process last week, black Islamics and communist islamics fighting one another on who will run, it was a sight for sore eyes. We whites will wipe out the rest in the government and the bureaucracy who caused all this, yup, war is coming but it won’t be us that starts it, we will finish it after many of the scavengers have killed themselves off and headed south to the Mexican border to return home, because there was never a golden goose for any of them promised by the communist Marxist democrats. And the bureaucracy will be in shock because their master plan will have failed miserably and that’s when the patriots will move on them.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
1 year ago

Anyone that can’t see the analogy is either blind, stupid, one of the enablers or a .gov person.

Last edited 1 year ago by Randolph Scott
Rob Polans
Rob Polans
1 year ago

I guess nobody saw it as I did. 173d ViedVet comes closest. Yes, they are trying their damndest for a race war, will they get one? I doubt it. I’m in a Rogue Eternal Militia, we used to be the Silent Majority, our numbers are through the roof, millions maybe billions. Every race, ethnicity etc. The seal has a marine animal eating its own. That is what I saw in them on Jan. 6, and when Trump was to be arrested.