Monkeypox Outbreak – Here we go again?

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

It is so obvious that this is another manufactured bio-weapon, the whole of this illegal government is guilty of crimes against we the people. A good majority of the people have already given up, are their enough of us to fight? I will not surrender or submit, I have chosen my path and it is not a peaceful one.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

I might be immune to monkey pox. Depends. Heard a Doctor on the radio say that if you had a small pox shot in your past, you are immune. I had two or three in the Army. Had another one in 1978, near the end of small pox. No small pox cases after about 1980. Monkey pox is supposed to be less transmittable and less deadly. One of these days, these greedy scientists are going to end us all. SARs 1 and SARs 2 came from a lab. In all probability so did Ebola, HIV, and MERS.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

WEF Klaus Schwab: Let’s be clear the future is not just happening the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world.