Montel Williams: SHOOT TO KILL Oregon Protesters


Montel Williams is calling for the National Guard to storm the militia members held up in a vacant wilderness building on “shoot to kill orders.”

The talk show host turned prescription drug pitchman–who amazingly has 160,000 Twitter followers–posted a message late Saturday night to his “fans” in response to someone who said the protesters are looking to get attention:



I am open to suggestions on this one. You can’t have a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

David DeGerolamo

h/t Heather H

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9 years ago

“You can’t have a battle of wits with an unarmed man.”

9 years ago

Screw you Montel , you racist pig. go join the black live matter movement, its where you truly belong you ghetto piece of garbage.

9 years ago

I don’t think we should shoot Montel just because he makes statements like that. He makes a lot of statements.

9 years ago

Montel is a 3rd rate rodeo-clown, kept by the establishment to serve a never-ending stream of ideologically charged fodder to those with an IQ <=85, and the functional equivalent of (at best) a 4th grade education.

And he is the perfect envoy to this demographic, exhibiting qualities of remarkable resemblance with those which he is tasked to incite and inflame. His petty rhetoric has all the charms of a Saturday-morning cartoon marathon, complete with a somberly adopted suspension of disbelief on the part of his viewers, for whom fact-checking is about as common as super-orbital travel.

I wonder if he realizes that his future is allready planned for him; that the establishment shall give him a "Running Man Retirement" when it becomes expedient to shed their skin of aparachiks and useful idiots? And "2019" is not far off…


9 years ago

LT, but in the mean time this idiot with a low I.Q. of an ape still has access to the airwaves spewing his negro racist venom. As far as Montel is concerned in my eyes he needs to be hanged along with the rest of his scum race including the white liberal trash who pimp him off on his sideshow.
When i grew up in New York City we used to kick the crap out of these type of racist pieces of dog poop, and this was in the 1960’s. The white liberal trailer trash have emboldened them for there votes so they get away with much now then they did in the past.