More and more countries are coming out against the US and Israel…You better be prepped and ready.

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I am as ready as I can be, let’s kick this party off.

1 year ago

The Evil one along with his minion fallen beings are lurking around doing as much wickedness as they can to bring as many wicked humans as possible into the fires of Gehena with him.

1 year ago

No disrespect intended but I’ve heard the soft target attack anytime ever since Desert Storm, still waiting.
With the open border and all the sleeper cells that are supposed to be here, why hasn’t one jihadi clacked off a vest in the Mall of America? Why are the lights still on in major blue cities?
Makes one think that it’s all theatre being run by the WEF supported governments to keep the sheep riled up. I do believe that the powers at be will do anything to stay in charge. But having said that I’m still waiting.

God Bless

1 year ago

More and more countries are coming out against the US and Israel? That’s a good thing. The Globohomo Empire has destroyed Western Civilization. Who are the shot callers in the Empire? US, Israel, UK and those guys in Brussels. We have lots of naval assets in the Middle East? No. The Empire has lots of fire power in the ME. We should always remember the government is not us. The government hates us.