More From the Organizers in Durham’s Takedown

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Revolution is taking root in the United States. Although the information in this article comes from, this movement to overthrow the Constitution and Capitalism has far reaching support throughout the country. I will make the bold statement that this movement is being organized by our own government, media and even regular people who will sacrifice their freedom in order to evade the label of “hater”. Free speech and the right to assemble are under attack. Civil discourse is not acceptable. The terms of surrender are simple: unconditional. Too harsh? Read some of the following information from one of the organizers of the Durham “protest” below.

As always, follow the money whenever you see a “protest” where the signs are professional printed. Also watch to see if law enforcement has been directed to “stand down” in a tacit show of support.

David DeGerolamo


Failing to shake the resolve of the Korean people when he proposed war, even nuclear war, on that small country, Donald Trump has now targeted Venezuela. “We have many options for Venezuela and by the way, I am not going to rule out a military option,” he said on Aug. 11. “We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option if necessary.”


Several times each year, the U.S. carries out war exercises close to the borders of the DPRK simulating an attack on that country and the “decapitation” of its leadership. Another is set to begin Aug. 21, involving tens of thousands of U.S. and south Korean troops.

This persistent U.S. threat of war is why the DPRK has allocated precious resources to become one of the world’s nine nuclear weapons states. It is now estimated to have around 30 such bombs — out of the more than 15,000 nuclear warheads in the world.

The U.S. accounts for nearly 7,000 of those warheads. Yet the DPRK is now the target of a screaming propaganda campaign accusing its leader, Kim Jong Un, of wildly leading the world into a nuclear war.


The following is a statement from Workers World Party, which sent many of its members to Charlottesville, Va., to beat back the Nazis and Klan who marched there.

The coming out into the light of day of an openly fascist movement in the United States, as happened on Aug. 11-12 in Charlottesville, Va., confirms at least three things about the state of this country.

First, the media manipulation and financial maneuvering by a significant far-rightwing section of the billionaire class to get one of their own into the White House has emboldened the most racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, misogynist, male-supremacist, murderous scum of this decaying capitalist society.


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7 years ago

Surrender? Not a chance in hell! Bring it on…!

7 years ago

Commies! each and everyone. A disease is among us, growing like a cancer.

7 years ago

All I have to say to that is ‘Sat Cong”.