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- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on Two Questions
- kal kal on Trump on FAA Diversity Requirements
She states it must have something shifted in the environment, no it hasn’t you freaking idiot moron mental midget, something has shifted in your in your dumb brain, this one is a dummy freak of nature. it’s the influx of Dementia OBiden/Obama and the DHS head Mayorkas allowing millions of illegal alien felons, the Diseased infected, rapists, gun runners, Terrorists, murderers, drug runners, child traffickers, gang bangers into our nation illegally and then getting on the Fake MSM and telling the American people the borders are secure, what a crock of Dog Doo. I Say send all the lepers to every blue state and let them all get leprosy and die. hey, the demon-rats love the illegal felon murders so let them all die the appropriate death with them.
this is a fitting end to a once God-fearing nation that has turned itself over to Satan and his minions who run the entire democratic party as well as the rinocrat party. Everyone in this nation that have allowed this cancer to spread will regret what you all have done, beginning with the so-called Christian churches. If you are not in the camp of Christ you will all die horrible deaths, and that it written in the scripture and not by me.
Blondie, who cannot pronounce “leprosy” also does not know the definition of “endemic”.
Where are the preachers? They are silent.
Preachers schooled by a college? Preachers ordained by men?
that’s right Jane, these seminaries of higher biblical learning (what a Joke) only turn out cookie cutter graduates who are taught false doctrines or the doctrines of devils according to the scriptures. True men of God teach truth and don’t accept payment for it. the majority of these graduates from seminaries want to make it rich by becoming full time pastors who receive full time salaries, Vacations, Homes Paid for, expenses, and the list of endless freebies they all receive. these people who become pastors for the cash benefits make me sick. There are warnings for Pastors who do such things, and it will be hellfire for all of them on judgment day.
Provided an embittered, disillusioned church-member doesn’t haul off and give the hyenas-in-sheep’s-clothing *early access.*
Preachers and other so-called “Men of God” are exposing themselves to be the biggest, unrepentant government-enablers, more or less, as 501(c)3, the donation plate, and their own tacky lifestyles will always take precedent over their miserable congregation.
“D’uh Romans 13! Now, fork over your tribute -- I mean, ‘tithe’ -- surrender your guns, and shut the F up, or I’ll have newly deputized Poncho Villa fresh off the Greyhound to help you along and ensure your sincerity.
“‘Cause, diversity and a phone call makes me a warrior for Christ!”
They haven’t gone anywhere. They tell the flock, “God’s got this, God’s on the throne.” They are the Micah 3:11 leadership of today.
they have to be silent for their tax breaks.
they have all gone over to the dark side and are breaking bread with the LGBTQ+ satanic cult movement that has been pushed on the nation via Hollyweird, Mass fake media, the universities of wicked depraved earning, the nazi communist democratic/rinocrat, the lawless bureaucracy and federal judiciary.
what the hell do you expect when we are allowing leprosy-infected people across the border!
How about those 5 green “Articles of Impeachment” apples over at Marjorie Taylor-Green’s office? I’ve asked for executed copies three times -- including in writing…
So where are these mythical Articles of Impeachment now?? You know, with the Resolution #s filled out, dates, notarizing, court filing stamps, Her staff are pretending not to know about them. Another US Representative filed an Article of Impeachment against Biden (I think). I remember wondering if she knew about MTG’s work on Articles of Impeachment.
I don’t know about you all, but for the last three years, I’ve been asking for Biden’s impeachment due to his: 100% utter failure to uphold the US Constitution so violation of the Oath of Office; visible mental deficiency; criminal behaviors (bribery; kickbacks, etc.), possible pedofilia towards young girls,… anything I miss?
Zero to the left Patrick McHenry’s office has no response. No position paper, no executed Articles of Impeachment, nada. Heck, those guys don’t even understand what governments’ operating block chain systems can do to their taxpayers. one of their staffers told me FEDNOW was a ‘streamlined payment system.” You can’t make this stuff up.
We have to run for office in vicious/tenacious little packs that get elected to majorities on the corrupt boards. If an elected board or commission has five people on it, three or four people will have to campaign together at the same time. Huntington Bch, CA just elected four people to their seven person City Commission. They have begun the process of unwinding the previous commission’s rulings. One of the first things they did was remove change books from schools. They are also talking about ruling that any activity related to Agenda 2021/2030 cannot exist inside their boundary. That covers a really wide range of activities -- which is ideal. Sure, they’re pissing people off, but they got elected by a majority -- so, there’s that.:)))))