via Matt Bracken
Sapient Americans know what is important. We knew that politically correct bathrooms, climate change, identity politics and the political elite were jokes. Of course, the list is not limited to those few topics.
What is important has nothing to do with federal and state governments. It may have took an epidemic to bring their incompetence and sleight of hand into focus, but it has been exposed. The next two weeks are critical: our hospitals will be overloaded and difficult choices will be made. If you are over 60, I very strongly suggest that you do not leave your house under any circumstances. Let us pray that we will not have to resort to what is happening in Italy where the elderly are no longer treated except to ease their passing.
As for those who still cling to the idea of freedom instead of forced quarantined:
“May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
David DeGerolamo
“Is Coronavirus more deadly than seasonal flu? Yes.
Is it 10 or 100x more deadly to the point that we should shut down the economy and spazz out? NO.
These are not my numbers. They’re the CDC’s numbers. The same CDC and folks like Fauci that are trying to scare the living **** out of you, and being intentionally falsely reported by both politicians and the media.
This is all public data folks. Most people never see a doctor for Coronavirus, just as most people never see a doctor for The Flu.” -- Read the whole Ticker!
Life is short and people die!