Language warning.
from Walter Zoomie:
As most of you readily know, I drive a semi-truck for a living.
I have made that fact abundantly and ponderously clear on many occasions.
My really observant readers…both of you… have probably noted that I am more than little bit grouchy lately.
I have no real good reason for my surlier-than-usual attitude.
Afghanistan is “winding down,” yet I see flat-bed after flat-bed of military trucks, wheeled APCs, and armored Hummers equipped with strange looking satellite dish thingies on top where the gun mount would normally be.
Oddly enough, the gear I’ve seen looks exactly like this.
h/t Hans
I have seen, in South Carolina, the Dept of Homeland Security’s X-Ray trucks. My nephew was graduating from a course at Ft. Benning. The breathing feces in DC won’t respect his life anymore than they respect my labor (as represented in taxes). It’s a shame.
I bet they’re going to use this to reheat their coffee not citiczen controll.