Mother beats son for participating in Baltimore riots

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts even acknowledged the mother’s actions during a press conference early Tuesday morning.

“And if you saw in one scene, you had one a mother who grabbed their child who had a hood on his head and she started smacking him on the head because she was so embarrassed. I wish I had more parents who took charge of their kids tonight,” Batts said.



If she was white, the police would be calling social services for child abuse instead of praising her actions. While I do not disagree with her discipline, where was she while this child was being raised. I apologize for her language in the video: she certainly would not.

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

We need 20 million more like her.

9 years ago

three sets of rules David, one for the whites, one for the Negroes and one for the Golden brown race ( hispanics ) which are treated as above the law. this will and cannot stand to much longer. even if we don’t want a civil war , it will come to our doorstep if we like it or not. there are many white groups forming even as I make my comment, and they are not going to put up with our lying evil leaders and lying judiciary to much longer. What will the white people do when the islamic Marxist negro in the white house annuls all property lines across the U.S. and he tells us we no longer own our house or land any longer , this is Coming David because these satanist have evil intentions laid out for us and more so for Christians. let them annul the property lines and watch what happens then. I for one have never went out of my way to hurt or injure anyone , but at that point it will all change very severely for them. there will be no where they will be able to hide there ugly demonic faces when this happens, all will be removed forever and no one will be able to aide them with there wicked ways any longer.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bill

And more than likely before the end of summer 2015, and will give the usurper in the office of POTUS the ability to declare Martial law; Katie, bar the door time.