Petition Calls For Arrest Of Republican Leaders For Sedition

The 16-day shutdown of the federal government has finally come to an end, but many Americans are still furious about what they perceive as a GOP-sponsored gambit to defund the Affordable Care Act.

One outlet for that fury is a petition from the progressive that calls for the U.S. Department of Justice to arrest and try Republican leaders, including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.) and House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio), for “the crime of seditious conspiracy against the United States of America.”

The petition argues that “the House GOP leadership’s use of the Hastert Rule and H. Res 368 to shut down the government and threaten the US economy with default is an attempt to extort the United States government into altering or abolishing the Affordable Care Act, and thus, is self-evidently a seditious conspiracy.” (The U.S. Code defines “seditious conspiracy” in part as any conspiracy “to oppose by force the authority [of the U.S. government], or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States.”)


h/t Roger

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11 years ago

Only problem with opposing this petition is that you end up supporting the guy Mike Vanderboegh calls “Old Yellowstain”! 🙂 As far as I’m concerned, the entire Congress should be arrested, along with Obama and his minions. But probably easier for all 50 states to simply secede from Washington DC. Let them pass all the laws they want after that; we won’t care.