Mr. Jeff Sessions

Apparently, we are going to have to deluge Jeff Session’s office with demands. Whatever happened to the idea of being able to count on the law enforcement offices to do their job? What level of criminality must be present before the Attorney General will take the steps to hold everyone accountable. The fact is, none of us would have gotten away with what the rich and powerful have gotten away with on television.

Yeah, I know it’s been this way for a long time and there is nothing new under the sun, but I had some respect for Jeff Sessions before he became Attorney General and I thought he would be a good AG, because he had always struck me as a law and order guy, no matter which way the blade of justice cut. I don’t think that anymore. I have given him time to get his organization in line and start pursuing the obvious criminals standing right in front of him, but he hasn’t.

Now, we learn that Lois Lerner, the woman who used the IRS to attack me, little old me, simply because I had gone to a thing called “Take the Townhalls to DC” where a bunch of us met up in Washington DC and went through the House of Representatives, to each of our representative’s offices and demanded answers of the staff there and implored them not to pass Obamacare, I was attacked. Within two weeks of this event, I found an IRS agent in my office demanding to see my records. “Where are your papers, Mr. Davis?”


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Average Joe
Average Joe
7 years ago

The confusion is caused by a misspelling. It’s spelled Just-Us, not justice.

Y’all have a nice day.