Multiple People Shot in DC

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2 months ago

Must be a mistake , they don’t allow citizens to carry guns in dc.

2 months ago

Why is this newsworthy?
This is ‘normal’ in big blue cities. Not terrorism, just culture.

2 months ago

It’s All about gun control and confiscation of legal citizens firearms. The more murders there are in those crap hole infested racist blue swamps the more the white liberal Marxist demonrats along with there black plantation racist marxists believe they can shift the nations control over to the democrat communist party thereby allowing China to seize control without any push back . Well. I have a news flash for these a holes, it will not work and at some point they will regret the day they started a civil war and when it starts they will all be cannon fodder and buried deep in the ground where all these demon possessed fools belong. These people are all traitors to there nation and our constitution. To hell with all of them.

David Bovender
David Bovender
2 months ago
Reply to  Phil1350

Winner Winner chicken dinner!!!