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azmom on the mex border
azmom on the mex border
6 months ago

I am dubious of ltc sm’s loyalty and the guy named ‘trooper’.
in other news, with the uk top cop saying he wants americans jailed, with nz wanting to extradite Kim, with so much talk about cyberbullying, the digital id/digital $ is coming most likely after some manufactured crisis. the wells fargos near me look like they are going to close.

6 months ago

Just don’t sign up for the I.D. because if you do, you will be marked as part of the new world order government and absorbed into the Borg hive. And anyone who does not take the I.D. will be outside the wicked and evil system, so get ready to lead a life of struggle by yourself along with your family, but I believe God will take care of his people and make a way for them. we must rely on God and not the beast system to get us thru the fire.