Islam strictly prohibits homosexual behavior, with penalties in some Middle Eastern countries ranging from imprisonment to death. But according to one Muslim cleric who cited a sheik’s fatwa, jihadis who want to smuggle explosives in their rectums can — and should — accept being “sodomized” to make room for the mini-bombs.
In a video originally broadcast on the Shia Muslim Fadak-TV channel in Great Britain, and posted on YouTube in June, a cleric refers to a Yemeni al-Qaida terrorist named Ibrahim al-Asiri who helped his younger brother Abdullah prepare for a 2009 suicide bombing aimed at Saudi Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz.
The older brother’s chosen method of attack: a small bomb inserted into the younger Abdullah’s rear end. Abdul reportedly passed security checkpoints after persuading Saudi police that he was a repentant militant who wanted to surrender to the prince personally. Once inside the prince’s office, he blew himself up. But the prince — then the Saudi interior minister — survived until his June 2012 death of natural causes. He was 84.
“The rule is: ‘Necessities permit the forbidden,’” he added. “So what must be done to achieve a goal becomes a duty. And there is no duty better than jihad. And after you are sodomized you must ask God for forgiveness and praise him more.”