Muslim Convert SON Of Boston POLICE CAPTAIN Charged With Plotting Islamic State (ISIS) Attacks On College Campus

Right now, nothing is being done to stop jihad recruiting in US mosques, even as several hundred young Muslims from the US have gone to wage jihad for the Islamic State. And now seek to wage jihad here at home.

Alexander Ciccolo, also known as Ali Al Amriki
Abu Ali al-Amriki  Alexander Ciccolo participates in “peace walk” in 2012. Got that?

The son of a respected Boston police captain was arrested July 4 by FBI agents as part of a counter-terrorism operation against alleged ISIS-inspired domestic terrorists, federal officials told ABC News today.

Abu Ali al-Amriki, nee Alexander Ciccolo, 23, of Adams, Mass., was taken into custody on gun charges after buying two pistols and two rifles from an undercover FBI confidential informant, federal officials said. In a search of his apartment, officials reported they found it loaded with possible bomb-making equipment, including a pressure cooker, a variety of chemicals, an alarm clock, along with “attack planning papers” and “jihad” paperwork. FBI agents said he used the name Abu Ali al-Amriki and neighbors said he was a recent convert to Islam.


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