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- thexrayboy on Iranian Missiles in the US
94.4% White according to demographic stats so what are the odds this is yet another of the 30,000 PLUS times per year blacks rape White women yet those stats are IGNORED by the main stream media. Just for a mental exercise, what would our forefathers have done if Indians raped White women at that rate?
every muslim must be deported from the U.S. they are all supporters of terrorism. the sister threw in all Christians aren’t bad, what do Christians have to do with her bull crap, Christians don’t run around raping and killing people. she is touting the terrorist cair line when the murderers are caught. She sickens me and she should be deported immediately.
Just another moderate muslim, doing his part to develop a better “dialogue” between Americans and their new, state-sponsored neighbors. And if you do nothing to prevent it, it will soon be a feature of your neighborhood…
Islam is like cancer; there is no living with it, only dying. You either destroy it; eradicate it completely from the body, or it will corrupt and ultimately kill the body entirely. There is no making truce with it. There is no coexistence. Islam knows only one concept of peace -- the peace which it demands from people through their abject submission.
There is only one answer --
Kill every last muslim,
Burn every last copy of their satanic book.
Burn every last mosque to the ground.
Burn every last dwelling they have occupied,
And wherever you must burn,
Salt the ground heavily.
OK, I understand the muslim thing but muslim are not the only ones doing the raping. In fact the numbers are small compared to other groups that rape yet are we to grant the other group special treatment or should we deport them as well?
we must deort every last stinking one of them, Islam breeds cannibalism, rape, torture, infanticide, murder and every filthy degenerate putrid sin man can think up in his depraved mind. Islam is cancerous tumor and it must be removed by a knife.