I understand that this is hard to watch. We must understand the true nature of evil in order to fight against it. Our “leaders” have betrayed us and the pandemic of Muslim rape that has overtaken Europe has been here for at least three years. The acts of Muslim terrorism that has been denied in our country are finally being admitted by the media and the government. We saw the schools in California shut down last week. And yet both political parties act in unison to initiate the necessary crisis to institute martial law.
Let’s see what executive orders are handed down next week by the pResident. We have only our Liberty left to lose at this point since the honor of our children is no longer a concern. What chance does freedom have in a nation where morality, courage and honor are not valued?
David DeGerolamo
I find this all disgusting but wonder why one group who rapes are discussed but others are avoided. If one really seeks to protect their mothers, sisters, daughter, and girls shouldn’t at least have the courage to address them all?
Rape in the name of religion without fear of consequences by political correct governments is the reason that I address this issue.
Certainly and understandable thing to do but why ignore the epidemic of rape here in the United States that has been forever swept under the politically correct rug?
As I have been saying for years now, there is only ONE solution to the muslim problem –
Kill every last muslim,
Burn every last copy of their satanic book.
Burn every last mosque to the ground.
Burn every last dwelling they have occupied,
And wherever you must burn,
Salt the ground heavily.
Ours was forged as a society of men who recognised Christ and submitted to His will. Those of you who do not, shall ever be foreigners to us, and rightfully ought to be separated from us by borders and oceans, as all falsehood is to be set apart from the Truth.
And any man who affirms this is my brother,
but any who so denies it is my enemy forver and ever.
And God, grant me victory over every enemy. Amen
I’m Agnostic, LT. You want to kill me, too? If you plan on killing all non Christians, you are no better than Radical Islam.
Regarding what is happening in Europe, it is heartbreaking. I don’t see how Europe will recover from this.
what would you do Kay sit there and take it because of the lunacy of your agnosticism its time Kay to get your head out of your you no what and pray this doesn’t happen to you in our country. just to let you know Kay these animals are here already brought here by the sadistic islamic sodomite in the white house for this occasion, just waiting for the right time to rape, murder, pillage and be-head anyone they so desire to grab, and you better be careful you wont be one of there victims. your agnosticism will and can get you killed by these animals from hades. you are aware Kay these same people eat the flesh of there victims , so do your research and know who your enemy is and what they believe in and practice. Its you choice Kay I cant force you to believe what I Do and I personally don’t give a darn, but it will get you killed one day .